1) What is the most difficult presentation you have ever given? 2) Do you prefer delivering presentations to a small group or a large audience? Why? 3) Do you use body language in your presentations? 4) How do you prepare for a presentation? Any tips or strategies? 5) Have you ever had to give an impromptu presentation? How did it go? (即興) 6) What visual aids do you find most effective in presentations (e.g., slides, charts, videos)?「視覚資料」 7) How do you stay calm before presenting? 8) How do you make your presentations memorable? (覚えやすい) 9) Have you ever experienced technical problems during a presentation? How did you handle them? 10) How important is rehearsing your presentation beforehand? (リハーサルをする) 11) Do you tell jokes in your presentations? Why or why not? 12) What’s the most interesting topic you’ve presented on? 13) Have you ever attended a memorable presentation by someone else? (記憶しやすい)What made it good?  14) What’s your favorite presentation style: formal or informal? 15) What’s the worst presentation advice you’ve ever received? 16) If you could give presentation advice to someone, what would it be?

Questions about Giving Presentations


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