1) ..... asleep in the cinema? FALL 2) ..... the soundtrack of a film? BUY 3) ..... the cinema before the end of a film? LEAVE 4) ..... a film more than three times? SEE 5) ..... in a film? CRY 6) ...... somebody to be quiet in a cinema? TELL 7) .... to an audiobook? LISTEN 8) ..... three or more episodes of a TV series in one evening? WATCH 9) ..... for something for a long time? SAVE 10) .....any money (e.g. in a lottery) WIN 11) ..... charged too much in a restaurant? BE 12) ..... a credit card or your wallet? LOSE 13) ....... money in the street? FIND 14) .....clothes or shoes without trying them? BUY 15) .....to the supermarket checkout and found out then you didn't have enough money? GET


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