butcher's - a shop where you can buy meat, newsagent's - a place where you can buy newspapers and cigarettes, bargain - a product offered for sale much more cheaply than usually, shop around - to look at products in shops comparing the prices, just looking, not buying , afford - to have enough money to buy something, discount - the reduction of the usual price of a product, queue - a line of people waiting in a shop to be served, receipt - a document proving that you've bought something, refund - money paid back to an unsatisfied customer, corner shop - a little shop in your neighbourhood selling things that are often needed, guarantee - a document that states that a product will be repaired or replaced in a particular period of time after the purchase, overpriced - too expensive, pocket money - cash kids get from their parents e.g. once a month, change - money given to the customer because he has paid more than expected, faulty - having defects, not working properly,


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