1) Seller: What would you like to buy? a) Can I have 1 kilogram of prawn b) Can I have 1 kilogram of Chicken c) I'm looking for a red Shirt 2) Sally: Alright, thank you very much. So how much is it? a) It is for 100 baht. b) It is for 75 baht. c) It is for 840 baht. 3) Waitress: Hello sir, would you like to order now? a) No, I'm not hungry b) Yes, I'm looking for a pair of gloves c) Yes, please. 4) Waitress: What would you like to drink? a) I’ll have a bottle of water, please. b) I’ll have a glass of orange juice, please. c) I’ll have a salad roll, please. 5) Waitress: What would you like to eat? a) I’ll have a sushi b) I’ll have a pizza c) I’ll have a tuna fish sandwich 6) Excuse me. Is this the way to the hospital? a) Go straight that road, turn right b) Go straight that road, turn left c) Go straight that road 7) Excuse me, could you show me the way to Siam Square? a) Go straight that road, turn right b) Go straight that road, turn left c) Go straight that road 8) Shop assistant: Do you need any help there? a) Yes, I’m looking for a blue shirt b) Yes, I’m looking for lady shoes c) Yes, I’m looking for blue boots 9) Hello, where are you from? a) Hi, I'm from Korea. b) Hi, I'm from Thailand. c) Hi, I'm from USA. 10) Good morning. a) Good afternoon b) Good morning c) Good night

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