1) I wake up at ............. a) nine o'clock. b) seven o'clock. c) half past seven. d) half past eight. 2) I ....................... at half past seven. a) read books b) do homework c) have breakfast d) go to school 3) I go to school at ................. a) seven o'clock. b) ten o'clock. c) nine o'clock. d) eight o'clock. 4) I ............................. at school. a) play tennis b) do homework c) learn English d) eat lunch 5) I go home at ............ a) half past four. b) three o'clock. c) two o'clock d) half past five. 6) I ................. at eight o'clock. a) go to bed b) watch TV  c) read a book d) do my homework

My daily Routines


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