Basin  - A region drained by a river system., Savanna - Grassland, as in the South of Sub-Saharan Africa., Desertification - Less fertile land to grow food. This is caused by many factors including climate change and overpopulation., Rift Valleys - Deep valleys that formed when Earth’s crust separated and broke apart. As in East Africa., Dormant - Inactive volcanoes, Deforestation - The practice of cutting down forests for crops or urban use. As in West Africa., Highlands - Areas of higher mountainous land. As in West Africa the Adamawa. The Futa Jallon in Senegal borders with Guinea, Rainforest - A forest with warm temperatures, plentiful rain, high humidity, and thick vegetation. As in Central Africa., Hydroelectric Power - Electricity produced by a water source such as a river. This is in Central Africa- Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Landlocked - Surrounded by land on all sides with no direct access to a seacoast., Escarpment - A steep slope., Habitats - The natural environment of a living plant or animal., Poaching - Illegal hunting or fishing, Nocturnal - Night based lifestyle., Ecotourism - Tourism that is focused on wildlife protection and responsibilities use of land and resources., Alluvial - Sediments deposited by a river. Gold deposited by a river was found in the forest. Salt deposited was found in the desert., Trans-Atlantic Slave - Trade - Trading of slaves across the Atlantic Ocean., Malnutrition - The lack of enough food or nourishment., Imperialism - The practice of extending a nation’s influence by controlling other territories. European imperialism in Africa., Colonialism - The practice of one country directly ruling and developing trade in a foreign territory for its own benefit. European powers began to fight over African colonies., Missionaries - People sent by a church to spread their religion among native populations. Europeans wanted to convert Africans to Christianity., Ethnic Groups - Groups of people who share a common culture, language, and sometimes racial heritage. Many Africans identify themselves first as members of a tribe rather than a country., Minerals- - A solid natural substance found in rocks and Earth that is inorganic and has its own set of properties., Commodities - Materials or goods that can be bought, sold, or traded., Epidemic - An outbreak of a disease affecting a great number of the population in a particular community., Pandemic - Outbreak of a disease that spreads over a wide geographic area., Vaccines - Treatments designed to increase immunity, or resistance, to a particular disease., Infectious - Diseases that can spread rapidly to others,


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