1) Are they big family? a) Yes, they are b) Yes, there are c) No, there are d) No, they are not 2) Sinta, Rio and Rivai are Mega’s …… a) Aunt & Uncle b) Daughter & Son c) Niece & Nephew d) Brother & Sister 3) Reihan is Meta’s …. a) Brother b) Father c) Uncle d) Nephew 4) Ratu, Mega and Raymond are Mr.Herman’s … a) Grandchildren b) Children c) Grandparents d) Daughter 5) Raymond is Cintya’s … a) Brother b) Wife c) Husband d) Niece 6) Sinta is Rio and Rivai’s …. a) Mother b) Sister c) Daughter d) Aunt 7) Raymond is Reihan’s …. a) Brother b) Uncle c) Grandfather d) Father 8) Meta and Raihan are Burhan and Ratu’s a) Parent b) Children c) Grandparent d) Grandchildren 9) Ratu is Rio’s a) Sister b) Grandmother c) Aunt d) Mother 10) Who are Sinta, Rio and Rivai’s parents? a) Burhan & Ratu b) Raymond & Mega c) Herman & Melva d) Raymond & Cintya 11) Anak laki-laki, paman, saudara laki-laki, ayah. In English : a) Brother, Father, Uncle & Son b) Son, Brother, Father, Uncle c) Brother, Uncle, Son, Father d) Son, Uncle, Brother, Father 12) Mother-in-law means a) Ibu b) Ibu tiri c) Ibu mertua d) Ibu kandung 13) Siwi adalah anak perempuan Pak Haryo dan Bu Endang. In English : a) Siwi is Mr. Haryo and Mrs. Endang's sister. b) Siwi is Mr. Haryo and Mrs. Endang's daughter. c) Siwi is Mr. Haryo and Mrs. Endang's parents. d) Siwi is Mr. Haryo and Mrs. Endang's family. 14) A : Do you have family? B : Yes, a) I have b) I am c) I will d) I do 15) What is it? a) Green Tree b) Member of Family c) Family Tree d) Map of family 16) My sister ........................ twenty years old. a) is b) am c) are d) do 17) How many people are there in the picture? a) nine b) eight c) seven d) six 18) Seta and Pandu are Mr. Haryo and Mrs. Endang's sons. In Indonesia : a) Seta dan Pandu adalah adik laki-laki Pak Haryo dan Ibu Endang. b) Seta dan Pandu adalah anak laki-laki Pak Haryo dan Ibu Endang. c) Seta dan Pandu adalah saudara laki-laki Pak Haryo dan Ibu Endang. d) Seta dan Pandu adalah keponakan laki-laki Pak Haryo dan Ibu Endang. 19) The tittle of Lesson 5 is a) Seta's Family is Having a Holiday b) My Family c) Seta's Family is Having a Picnic d) My Family Tree 20) Bibi, anak perempuan, ibu dan saudara perempuan a) Aunt, sister, mother and daughter b) Daughter, aunt, sister and mother c) Aunt, daughter, mother and sister d) Daughter, sister, mother and aunt



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