Liu Bang - Han's first leader, Han Wudi - Han's strongest emperor , Civil Service - Type of test to get a government job, Confucius - The philosopher that the Han's followed most, Average size of a Han farm - One acre, Tenant Farmer - Working on land owned by someone else, Korea - Area to the North that the Hans took over, India - Land to the West that the Hans conquered, Peace - What the Hans had for between 130 and 150 years, Arts and literature - Things that flourished (grew) during Han, Waterwheel - A tool to grind grain, Iron - What Han miners started making drill bits out of, Salt - An important and valuable mineral the Hans used, Written records - The first use of paper by the Hans, Rudder - Allowed ships to sail against  the wind for the first time, acupuncture - Piercing skin with thin needles to relieve pressure, Silk Road - A series of trade routes between China and other areas, Zhang Qian - The general sent by Han to explore the West, Horses - Animals that Zhang Qian saw other armies using, Silk - China's most important export, Export - Something traded away to get something back,


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