Abraham Lincoln - President during the Civil War, Union - Northern States , Confederacy - Southern States, Anaconda Plan - 3 point plan to force southern surrender, Robert E. Lee - General of the Confederate Army, Ulysses S. Grant - General of the Union Army, Battle of Bull Run - 1st land battle of the Civil War, Antietam - Bloodiest day in U.S. History, Vicksburg - Union victory that cut the South in two, Gettysburg - Union victory that turned the war, bloodiest battle , Appomattox Courthouse - South surrendered here, Emancipation Proclamation - "all slaves are forever free", Ironclads - Metal war ships, Gettysburg Address - Lincoln’s speech, dedicating battlefield , 13th Amendment - Banned slavery permanently, Jefferson Davis - President of Confederacy , Enlist - to sign up to serve in the military, Draft - forced military service , casualty - a person in the armed forces who is killed, wounded, or missing in action, Habeas Corpus - must have just cause for imprisonment, Siege - to surround, attack, cut off supplies , Secede/Secession - to leave the Union of States, Border States - States that allowed slavery but did not secede, Black Codes - rules that restrict freedoms of newly freed slaves , Sharecropping - land is rented out to former slaves, indebted to owner, Scalawag - southerner who supports Reconstruction , Carpetbagger - northerner who moves south to make a profit off of chaos after Civil War , Reconstruction - time after Civil War, U.S. rebuilds south , Factories/Railroad - Advantage of North, Brilliant military leaders/home advantage - Advantage of the South ,

Civil War/Reconstruction Quiz


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