1) My mum bought eggs, flour and fruit. She ... bake a cake. (PLAN) a) will b) is going to 2) I think people ... speak one language in the future. (I think..) a) are going to b) will 3) Robots ... cook for people. (I think...) a) are going to b) will 4) Next year my sister ... learn how to drive a car. (PLAN) a) is going to b) will 5) I ... buy a new computer today! I have money! (PLAN) a) 'll b) 'm going to 6) I have a ticket to the theatre. I ... go tomorrow.  a) 'm going to b) will 7) I think cars ... fly in the future. a) won't b) are not going to  8) If you touch me again, I ... call the police! a) will b) am going to 9) Look! The baby elephant ... fall!! a) will b) is going to 10) - I am so hungry... - Oh, I ... make you a sandwich! a) will b) am going to

Will or Going to? Quiz E2


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