1 A light vehicle with two wheels and an engine which is not very powerful. It doesn’t go very fast - ____ 2 A type of aircraft with large metal blades on top which turn around very quickly to make it fly - ____ 3 A ship, usually military, that can stay under water - ____ 4 A boat that carries people and things across water - ____ 5 A large bag with gas and a basket for passengers - ____ 6 In British English, a large vehicle for carrying heavy goods - ____ 7 In American and British English, a large vehicle for carrying heavy goods - ____ 8 A small, fast two-wheeled vehicle with an engine - ____ 9 A bus with comfortable seats used for long journeys - ____ 10 A vehicle which uses metal tracks in the street - ____

Forms of transport unit 5.1 NLL B2


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