1) I ________ stories. a) write b) writes 2) We _________ in a flat. a) lives b) live 3) He _________ handball. a) play b) playes c) plays 4) I ________ milk for breakfast. a) drink b) drinks 5) We ___________ comics at night. a) reades b) reads c) read 6) My sister _______ TV in the morning. a) watches b) watch c) watchs 7) She ______ sweets. a) eat b) eates c) eats 8) William ________ his homework in the afternoon. a) do b) does c) dos 9) Joe _________ at six forty-five. a) get up b) getes up c) gets up 10) My family and I __________ breakfast at 7 o'clock. a) haves b) have c) has 11) Thomas ___________ very hard. a) study b) studies 12) She _________ at night. a) sleeps b) sleep 13) He _________ hamburgers.  a) like b) likies c) likes 14) Juan and Carla ________ Spanish. a) speak b) speaks c) speakes 15) My sister ________ 8 years old. (to be) a) am b) is c) are 16) They _________ a lot of cats. (to have) a) has b) have

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