Recognising Oversimplification - This involves identifying when complex ideas, arguments, or issues have been simplified to the point where important details or nuances are lost. It's about understanding the complexity of issues and not accepting simplified explanations without critical examination., Critically Evaluating a Text - This skill involves analysing a text in a detailed and systematic way, assessing its strengths and weaknesses, and determining its value or relevance in a particular context., Mapping Arguments - This is a visual method of outlining the structure of an argument, including the main claim, supporting evidence, and potential counterarguments. It helps in understanding the flow and logic of an argument., Recognising Gaps in Reasoning - This involves identifying missing links or leaps in logic within an argument or explanation. It's about spotting where further evidence or explanation is needed., Recognising Assumptions - This skill involves identifying the underlying beliefs or assumptions that are taken for granted in an argument or statement. It's about questioning whether these assumptions are valid and how they influence the argument., Evaluating Evidence - This involves assessing the quality, relevance, and reliability of the evidence provided to support an argument. It's about determining whether the evidence is strong enough to support the claims being made., Recognising Purpose & Bias - This skill involves identifying the underlying purpose or goal of a text or argument, and recognising any potential bias that may influence the presentation of information or arguments., Source Credibility - This involves evaluating the reliability and validity of a source of information. It's about considering factors such as the author's expertise, the source's reputation, and the quality of the information provided.,

Academic Skills - Critical Response


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