1) Energy is very important for most devices to a) operate b) do their functions c) move d) all the previous 2) The energy source in toy car is a) engine b) tires c) battery d) fuel 3) When batteries run out, we must a) Charge it b) change it c) burn it 4) Spacecraft takes several . a) minutes b) days c) months d) years 5) Robots and vehicles are operated by a) electric charger b) long-term batteries c) Solar panels 6) The electrical energy changes in hair dryer into……………and……………energies. a) sound – thermal b) kinetic – light c) Thermal – light d) light – sound 7) Heat energy is the ................... energy in hair dryer a) Input b) output c) wasted d) lost 8) Electrical energy changes inside light bulb into …….… and……….energies. a) sound – thermal b) kinetic – light c) Thermal – light d) light – sound 9) When a piece of coal is burnt a) sound b) kinetic c) thermal d) potential 10) Light energy is produced from all the following devices except a) TV b) cellular phone c) radio d) electric lamp 11) In hair dryer and electric water kettle, the electrical energy changes into a) electrical b) kinetic c) thermal d) potential 12) Due to friction of bike’s tire and road some kinetic energy is converted into……………………energy……………………energyinto……………………energy  a) Sound b) light c) thermal d) potential 13) Using of water to generate electricity depends on places a) with strong winds b) where dams are built on rivers c) with weak winds d) where boats sail in rivers 14) The input energy is the energy……………………………………. device. a) destroyed b) consumed by c) produced from d) resulted from 15) Which sentences show energy changes in the flashlight in correct order? a) Chemical – electrical – light b) electrical – chemical – light c) Light – electrical – chemical d) electrical – light – chemical 16) During charging a mobile phone, the ----------energy is converted into…………………. energy that is stored in the phone battery a) Electrical — chemical b) chemical — thermal c) Electrical — thermal d) thermal — chemical 17) During the running of a player the chemical energy inside his body is converted into ……………… and....................... energies. a) potential – light b) kinetic – light c) Kinetic – thermal d) thermal – light 18) The output energy when playing drums is the --------energy a) Electrical b) light c) kinetic d) sound 19) ……… is considered as the main source of energy on the Earth's surface a) Gasoline b) The sun c) Natural gas d) The moon 20) You feel warm when you rub your hands because ................. energy transformed into thermal energy. a) Electrical b) light c) kinetic d) sound 21) In the washing machine, the-----In the washing machine, the ---- energy changes into kinetic and sound energies a) light b) electrical c) thermal d) potential 22) The generator converts ……………………………….. energy into electric energy a) sound b) light c) chemical d) kinetic 23) ............. is used in electric power stations to produce electricity. a) Water b) Coal c) Food d) Green plants 24) The main function of………………………is grinding the grains and making flou a) modern turbines b) solar panels c) dams d) watermills 25) The………………energy of the sun causes air movements and wind blowing. a) chemical b) radiant c) electrical d) heat 26) solar water heater changes ……………energy into ……………………energy. a) electrical – light b) electrical - sound c) solar - sound d) solar –thermal 27) All these devices consume electric energy, except…………………. a) TV b) cellular phone c) radio d) solar cells 28) Electric energy is………………in the electric heater a) consumed b) produced c) wasted d) destroyed 29) Electric wires are made of ……………….. a) Copper b) wood c) glass d) paper 30) When you use the hand bell, the -----energy changes into sound energy. a) light b) thermal c) kinetic d) electric 31) Some energy is lost in most devices in the form of………………………… energy a) light b) electrical c) thermal d) potential 32) Mars rover curiosity uses ................. to be operated. a) solar energy and electrical energy. b) solar energy and thermal energy c) solar energy and thermal energy. d) electrical energy and sound energy 33) The two main types of fuel are ……………… a) Wood and coal b) wind and water c) The sun and the moon d) biofuel and fossil fuelwind and water 34) All the following are forms of fuel, except……………… a) Wood b) natural gas c) gasoline d) glass 35) ............... is an example of biofuel a) Petroleum b) Natural gas c) Coal d) corn plant 36) Car engine can be operated by ………… a) Coal only b) coal and wood c) gasoline only d) gasoline and natural gas 37) All the following are renewable sources of energy except…………… a) wind b) Sun c) biofuel d) petroleum 38) ...........is (are) from the importance of fuel. a) Operating cars b) Generating electricity c) Warming houses d) Non of the Previous 39) All the following are found deeply under the earth’s surface except… a) Oil b) green plants c) natural gas d) coal 40) All the following are used to generate electrical energy, except……… a) clouds b) waterfalls c) natural gas d) oil 41) ………………… are used to collect and focus Sun rays for cooking food. a) curved mirror b) water waves c) Wood d) Plastic 42) Ancient people used ............ as a fuel before discovering gasoline. a) Water b) electricity c) wood d) wind 43) From the disadvantages of biofuel is (are) ……………… a) Cutting trees b) Air pollution c) removal of forests 44) Coal is formed under the earth’s surface from the remains of ……… a) dead animals b) dead plants c) dead humans d) dead insects 45) The non-renewable resources of energy take ............... to be formed a) Short period of time b) few hours c) few minutes d) a very long period of time 46) Both coal and charcoal …………… a) are renewable resources of energy. b) are non-renewable resources of energy. c) are examples of biofuel. d) produce thermal energy on burning 47) Ethanol is a liquid fuel produced from………… a) grass b) corn c) wood chip d) Paper 48) Some forms of fuel can be used in cooking such as …… a) Grass b) coal c) natural gas d) Wood 49) The solar energy is converted into…………………………. energy in greenhouses a) electrical b) sound c) thermal d) Potential 50) Hydroelectric energy is generated from ……………… a) waterfalls only b) waterfalls and dams c) biofuel only d) biofuel and fossil fuel 51) ...........can be used in electric power stations to generate electricity a) Coal b) water c) natural gas d) oil 52) The rate of consumption of fossil fuel is ----the rate of its formation. a) more than b) less than c) equal to d) no correct answer 53) Which of the following forms of fuels can be manufactured by man? a) Oil and natural gas. b) Oil and charcoal. c) Natural gas and ethanol. d) Charcoal and ethanol 54) The amount of........................ is limited on Earth. a) biofuel b) fossil fuel c) non-renewable energy resources d) Water 55) The steps of forming fossil fuel don't include …………… of remains of living organisms. a) decaying b) cooling c) burying d) heating 56) All the following actions don't conserve electrical energy, except …… a) unplugging unused electrical appliances b) plugging any unused electrical appliances c) turning on all the house lights all day long. d) leaving the television turned on all day long 57) ............... moves the turbines in electric power stations. a) Air b) Steam c) Water d) No correct answer 58) Car smog irritates ……………………………..humans. a) stomach and eyes b) eyes and lungs c) small intestine d) brain 59) Among the following resources, we must conserve ……… a) solar energy and coal b) solar energy and wind energy c) wind energy and oil d) oil and coal 60) Both modern wind turbines and water turbines are similar in their ……… a) shape b) ability to generate electrical energy c) blades number d) length 61) The wind movement has ............ energy that moves the windmill's blades a) Kinetic b) solar c) thermal d) potential 62) The change of energy in an ………………… is opposite to the change of energy in a wind turbine a) electric heater b) electrical iron c) electric bulb d) electric fan 63) The reason for flowing of river water downhill is the ………………………force. a) pushing b) friction c) gravitational d) electrical 64) We can converted the solar energy into different forms of energy. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 65) Curiosity is a vehicle that travels across the surface of the planet Mars. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 66) 3- Electric bulb depends on chemical energy to be operated. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 67) 4- The input energy in TV is the chemical energy. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 68) 5- A toy car can continue moving even after its battery runs out. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 69) 6- Mars rover curiosity cannot move without electrical energy. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 70) 7- Mars is located a few meters away from Earth. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 71) 9- In waterfalls, the water that falls down has a kinetic energy. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 72) 10- Most of energy chains starts with the moon. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 73) 11- There is a stored chemical energy inside the food. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 74) 12- There is energy loss when energy is transformed from one form to another. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 75) When pedaling a bike, the chemical energy in your body changes into kinetic energy a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 76) The fuel burns inside the car engine allowing the engine to rotate the wheels a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 77) As the speed of the car increases the amount of used fuel decreases a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 78) Both coal and wood produce energy on burning them. ( √ ) a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 79) 17- Extreme cooling under the earth's surface helps in the formation of oil. ( × ) a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 80) 18- We can make a liquid fuel from grass and wood chips. ( √ ) a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 81) 19- Producing energy from renewable resources is less expensive than producing energy from fossil fuels. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 82) 20- The gases emitted by the burning of fossil fuels pollute the environment.  a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 83) 22- Acid rain causes soil and water pollution. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 84) 23- Wind energy will run out faster than natural gas. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 85) 24. Global warming is one of the bad effects of using fossil fuel in produce energy. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 86) 25- Windmills can do their job all the time as the wind never stops blowing. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 87) 26- Both wind movement and water flow have kinetic energy. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 88) 27- All devices need energy to do their functions. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 89) 28- Plants can grow if they are placed in dark areas for several weeks. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 90) 29- The Sun provides the earth with light and heat .  a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 91) 30- Placing large windows on the walls that face the Sun helps in warming houses. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 92) 31- There is a similarity in temperature between cold and hot air. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 93) 32- Electricity generated by wind turbines is transmitted through wind. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 94) 33- When air blows into the wind turbines weekly , the blades spin slowly. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 95) 34- Waterfalls are non–renewable energy resources. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 96) 35- Running water in rivers has kinetic energy. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 97) 36- Dams are built on rivers to control the wind flow. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 98) 37- The flow of water can be controlled to generate electricity in dams. a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 99) 38-Electrical energy can be generated from both waterfalls and wind movement a) ( √ ) b) ( × ) 100) did you enjoy the task game? a) yes b) no

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