drop the -ER and add -E - What is the verb suffix for: le livre , drop the -ER and add -ES - What is the verb suffix for: tu, drop the -ER and add -ONS - What is the verb suffix for: nous, drop the -ER and add -EZ - What is the verb suffix for: vous, drop the -ER and add -ENT - What is the verb suffix for: les notes, to speak - parler, to give - donner, to meet - rencontrer, to meet up with - retrouver, to eat - manger, to forget - oublier, to work - travailler, to travel - voyager, to look at - regarder, to share - partager, to live - habiter, in, at, to - à, of, from, about - de, to think - penser, to look for - chercher,


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