Stage 1 - Traditional society: Brazilian rainforest tribal group, English colonies in NA in 17th century, Medieval Europe, subsistence agriculture or hunting and gathering, No entire country at this stage today, Stage 2 - Preconditions to takeoff: Mali, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Exports raw materials, USA 1810-1830, Stage 3 - Takeoff: Vietnam, Bangladesh, Honduras, economy shifts quickly towards secondary, USA 1843-1860, UK 1783-1802, Russia 1890-1914, Stage 4 - Drive to maturity: China, Turkey, Brazil, Diversification of the industrial base, USA 1900, UK 1850, Russia 1950, Stage 5 - Age of high mass-consumption: USA, Germany, Japan, increased consumption of high-value consumer goods, USA reached this stage first in 1920s, UK reached this stage prior to 1950, Pros: Can explain most American and European examples, Puts economic and social change in a global context, Cons: Fails to fit some non-western countries and cultures., Many countries do not develop in a linear manner as described in theory,


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