1) We'll ... go to the cinema or drive to the beach. a) either b) neither 2) I looked at two books but I didn't buy ... of them a) neither b) either 3) I've got two sisters and both are ... than me. a) both b) either 4) Neither Paul ... Brian is in my class. a) nor b) or 5) ... Tina and Pat have visited Spain. a) Either b) Both 6) ... Tom nor I like tea. a) Neither b) Either 7) Both Sam ... Ted live in London. a) or b) and 8) Both Judy and Emma ... Irish. a) is b) are 9) ... of my parents want to visit Rome. a) Both b) Either 10) ... Ben nor Kevin has seen this film a) Neither b) Either 11) He will ... call or send me an email. a) either b) neither 12) ... Pat nor Sue is American. a) Either b) Neither



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