dodgy - dishonest, criminal, not reliable, double edged sword - situation or decision that has both positive and negative aspects, endorse - someone famous talks about product ex in Tv, coherency - how well the components are blended together, bundling - products are sold together, BOGOF - buy one get one free, gripe - compaint about something, on the house - it is a phrase and it means that for example a drink is given to you for free, grab someone's attention - succeded in getting someone listen to you, cashback - money that are returned to you, advertising - adds in Tv or radio about a product, thrive - something very successful, tying - making sales of one product depend on costumer bying another, flood the market - a lot of cheap products that are released to the market, enter a market - bringin a new product or service into a new market, undercover marketing - people don't know that they are marketed to, viral marketing - it spreads from customer to customer, product placement - putting products in tv shows or movies, Ps - price, product, placement, promotion, Pc - cost, customer solution, communication, convenience,


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