1) A harsh mixture of sounds a) Cacophony b) Antiphon c) Raucous d) Predicament 2) Religious piece of music sung as A response or alteration of responses a) persuade b) incite c) Intimidate d) Antiphon 3) rowdy, disorderly a) Enfeeble b) Raucous c) Resonate d) Intimidate 4) to produce a loud, clear, deep sound a) Abrogate b) persuade c) Resonate d) Mandate 5) to make weak; deprive of strength a) Enfeeble b) Permeate c) Predicament d) phenomenon 6) to spread through, penetrate, soak through a) infringe b) Cacophony c) Antiphon d) Permeate 7) to do something that violates the law or rights of another a) infringe b) persuade c) resplendent d) intricate 8) shining; glowing a) resplendent b) volitive c) Conjoin d) persuade 9) expressing a wish or permission a) volitive b) incite c) Predicament d) Resonate 10) a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation a) iridescent b) resplendent c) Predicament d) Mandate 11) cancel; deny; end a) Abrogate b) Conjoin c) Mandate d) infringe 12) complicated; having many related details or parts a) intricate b) phenomenon c) Conjoin d) Raucous 13) an unusual, observable event a) phenomenon b) resplendent c) Mandate d) iridescent 14) join together, unite a) Conjoin b) Mandate c) iridescent d) persuade 15) an official order to do something. a) Intimidate b) Predicament c) incite d) Mandate 16) to rouse, stir up, urge on a) incite b) infringe c) Intimidate d) indignant 17) filled with resentment or anger over something unjust, unworthy, or mean a) Enfeeble b) indignant c) Resonate d) persuade 18) cause (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument. a) Conjoin b) persuade c) iridescent d) Antiphon 19) showing luminous colors that seem to change when seen from different angles a) intricate b) phenomenon c) resplendent d) iridescent 20) To frighten, especially by threatening someone a) Raucous b) Intimidate c) Antiphon d) Predicament


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