1) He _______________ a job.  a) are go get b) will get c) is getting 2) I _____________ you with your homework. Don't worry! a) am helping  b) will help c) am going help 3) I ___________________ "Friends" tomorrow at 7 p.m. a) are watching b) watch c) will watch 4) Are you going to the club today? I ____________ there as I have a headache. a) won't go b) am no going  c) am not going  5) My friend and I __________________ dinner on Tuesday. a) will b) having c) will have 6) Next week, I ________ to Dubai for a short holiday. a) will travel b) am travelling c) travel 7) This time next week, I___________ photographs with my new camera. a) will take b) will be taking c) am taking 8) Don't worry! I____________ you later a) am going b) will be c) will see 9) The supermarket is closed! I_____ have to do my shopping another day. a) will b) will to c) am will 10) If I don’t have the money, maybe I ______ start a new course. a) am not  b) won't c) am not going


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