1) The study of living things. a) Biology b) Adaptation c) Species d) Homologous Structures e) Analogous Structures f) Vestigial Structures 2) The process of all living organisms changing over time. a) Homologous Structures b) Analogous Structures c) Biology d) Evolution e) Species f) Vestigial Structures 3) Body parts of different organisms that have similar structure but not necessarily a similar function. a) Analogous Structures b) Homologous Structures c) Vestigial Structures d) Species e) Adaptation f) Evolution 4) Body parts that share a common function, but not structure a) Vestigial Structures b) Biology c) Analogous Structures d) Homologous Structures e) Evolution f) Adaptation 5) A structure that is present in an organism but no longer serves its original purpose a) Species b) Biology c) Vestigial Structures d) Analogous Structures e) Homologous Structures f) Evolution 6) a trait in an organism that allows them to survive better in their environment a) Adaptation b) Species c) Biology d) Evolution e) Vestigial Structures f) Homologous Structures 7) a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes. a) Biology b) Analogous Structures c) Evolution d) Species e) Adaptation f) Homologous Structures


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