Past perfect
Examples from our community
1,994 results for 'past perfect'
9C Present Perfect vs Past Simple
Group sort
EC B4 M2 12A Grammar - Past Perfect Gapfil
Complete the sentence
EC I1 M2 5A Why did you say that? Past Perfect
Speaking cards
EAP I2 M1 U8 Past Perfect Explanations
Spin the wheel
EC I1 M2 5A Past Perfect Domino match
Find the match
EC I1 M2 5A Murder Mystery
Open the box
Past Perfect
Flash cards
EAP I2 M1 U8 Past Perfect Jumble
Present perfect verus past simple
EC I1 M2 5A Narrative story A Spooky Experience
Complete the sentence
Past Perfect Explanations
Speaking cards
EC B4 M2 12A Past Perfect Conversation Questions
Open the box
EAP I1 M2 U4 Past Simple Warmer
Spin the wheel
EAP I1 M2 U4 Describe what happened (past tenses)
Speaking cards
FCE I3-I4 Unit 4 Irregular verbs to past form
Speaking cards
EAP I2 M1 U8 Past perfect Questions
Speaking cards
EC I1 M1 2A Have you ever...?
Open the box
EAP I1 M2 U4 Have you ever...? Tell me about it.
Open the box
EC I4 M1 7A Past Modals of Deduction
Find the match
EC B4 M2 12A Past Simple vs Past Perfect
Complete the sentence
Past Perfect
Match up
Past perfect
Gameshow quiz
FCE I3-I4 M3 U7 Present Perfect Island Board Game Cards
Speaking cards
What have I done? Present perfect/past simple
Speaking cards
EC I1 M2 5A Past perfect continuous - Finish the sentence
Spin the wheel
Past perfect jumble
EC B4 M2 10A Past tense '-ed' sound endings
Group sort
Present Perfect
Spin the wheel
Present perfect
EC I1 M1 3B Group the Dependent Prepositions
Group sort
2A Present Perfect Continuous
Spin the wheel
PINT 4.1 Present Perfect vs Past Simple
Group sort
FCE I3-I4 M3 U9 Past Modals of Deduction
Find the match
Irregular past tense
Irregular verbs - past participles
Match up
Past simple
Complete the sentence
past tenses
EC I1 M1 2A Present Simple/Perfect Guided with Images
Speaking cards
Present perfect
FCE M3 Unit 9 Past modals of deduction
Speaking cards
FCE I3-I4 M3 U7 Have you ever...?
Open the box
EC B4 M2 4B Simple Past or Present Perfect?
Gameshow quiz