
Grade 4 Mathematics Fractions

Examples from our community

10,000+ results for 'grade 4 math fractions'

Fractions Review
Fractions Review Quiz
Matching Fractions & Decimals
Matching Fractions & Decimals Match up
Can you subtract?
Can you subtract? True or false
Canadian Money Zingo
Canadian Money Zingo Speaking cards
Multiplication Matching pairs
Repeating or Growing pattern?
Repeating or Growing pattern? Maze chase
Matching numbers
Matching numbers Find the match
Division Review
Division Review Quiz
Ordre croissant
Ordre croissant Unjumble
le printemps
le printemps Match up
Winter clothes - French
Winter clothes - French Maze chase
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 La Famille
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 La Famille Find the match
Les Nombres
Les Nombres Quiz
Fractions Match up
fractions Matching pairs
fractions Match up
Révision de fractions
Révision de fractions Gameshow quiz
Match name to number en francais
Match name to number en francais Find the match
What bill would you use?
What bill would you use? Gameshow quiz
Halloween Vocabulary
Halloween Vocabulary Find the match
Long or short vowel
Long or short vowel Quiz
Les vêtements d’hiver
Les vêtements d’hiver Match up
Fractions Quiz
Match the Clocks
Match the Clocks Matching pairs
Les Émotions et Les Sentiments
Les Émotions et Les Sentiments Match up
Doubles Flip tiles
3D Figure Match
3D Figure Match Match up
Solides Matching pairs
Ordre décroissant
Ordre décroissant Unjumble
Lis les nombres de 1-30
Lis les nombres de 1-30 Open the box
Noun or Not?
Noun or Not? Whack-a-mole
Days and Months
Days and Months Match up
Les pronoms sujets
Les pronoms sujets Group sort
Vocabulaire - Bonhomme de neige
Vocabulaire - Bonhomme de neige Match up
Fractions Matching pairs
French Numbers 60-100
French Numbers 60-100 Find the match
Perimeter Review
Perimeter Review Quiz
Subtraction practice
Subtraction practice Gameshow quiz
Linear Measurement Review
Linear Measurement Review Quiz
Gameshow ER verb conjugation - Fill in the blank!
Gameshow ER verb conjugation - Fill in the blank! Gameshow quiz
Halloween - Counting Syllables
Halloween - Counting Syllables Group sort
Noël Match up
Quel temps fait-il?
Quel temps fait-il? Quiz
Math Matching
Math Matching Matching pairs
Times Table Practice
Times Table Practice Match up
Je porte (hiver)
Je porte (hiver) Match up
Match Up: 4 Times Table
Match Up: 4 Times Table Match up
les collations
les collations Match up
BANGS Group sort
Mon sac à dos
Mon sac à dos Maze chase
Regular verbs simple past (gr4)
Regular verbs simple past (gr4) Complete the sentence
Les formes 2D - Trouve le mot!
Les formes 2D - Trouve le mot! Find the match
Fill in the Blank
Fill in the Blank Complete the sentence
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