
English / ESL Business

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5,633 results for 'english business'

Word order - adverbs/adverbials
Word order - adverbs/adverbials Quiz
Personal and possessive pronouns (Business English)
Personal and possessive pronouns (Business English) Quiz
How often do you...? (adverbs of frequency)
How often do you...? (adverbs of frequency) Open the box
English Plurals
English Plurals Spin the wheel
Business English Vocab Training 2
Business English Vocab Training 2 Match up
English 9: Participle clauses 2
English 9: Participle clauses 2 Complete the sentence
Animals Quiz
Correct sentence structure simple past questions
Correct sentence structure simple past questions Unjumble
Warm up questions.
Warm up questions. Open the box
Customer Data Business Result
Customer Data Business Result Complete the sentence
Conversation starters - travel
Conversation starters - travel Spin the wheel
Could, couldn't, can, or can't?
Could, couldn't, can, or can't? Quiz
Unit 1 - training course
Unit 1 - training course Match up
Business English Vocab Training 3 ENG-DEU
Business English Vocab Training 3 ENG-DEU Match up
Basis for Business English B2 Unit 7 - Test
Basis for Business English B2 Unit 7 - Test Quiz
basic insurance terms
basic insurance terms Match up
Speaking. B2
Speaking. B2 Spin the wheel
First Day Questions B1
First Day Questions B1 Open the box
Name Three... (passive)
Name Three... (passive) Speaking cards
Simple past or present perfect - signal words
Simple past or present perfect - signal words Group sort
Places in town
Places in town Match up
A/AN Business English
A/AN Business English Group sort
To Be - Business English
To Be - Business English Group sort
A1 Business English Revision
A1 Business English Revision Quiz
Gerund and Infinitives Sort
Gerund and Infinitives Sort Group sort
Exchanging contact details
Exchanging contact details Match up
English class
English class Matching pairs
Giving directions
Giving directions Quiz
Business English synonyms, B1-B2
Business English synonyms, B1-B2 Flip tiles
What does the company do?
What does the company do? Quiz
Unit 6 Vocabulary 1
Unit 6 Vocabulary 1 Matching pairs
Functional language for video calls
Functional language for video calls Unjumble
Unit 2: Exchanging Contact Information
Unit 2: Exchanging Contact Information Unjumble
the Business-U7.2 business performance
the Business-U7.2 business performance Match up
Give your opinion
Give your opinion Speaking cards
Future tenses and future time expressions - quiz
Future tenses and future time expressions - quiz Complete the sentence
Speed Sort Gerund and Infinitives Sort
Speed Sort Gerund and Infinitives Sort Group sort
Financial Vocab 1
Financial Vocab 1 Match up
Gernund Matching Halves
Gernund Matching Halves Match up
Infinitive Unjumble
Infinitive Unjumble Unjumble
The Business. Int. U5. negotiation
The Business. Int. U5. negotiation Group sort
A2 Business English Unit 3 Vocabulary Test
A2 Business English Unit 3 Vocabulary Test Complete the sentence
A2 Business English Unit 4 Vocabulary Test
A2 Business English Unit 4 Vocabulary Test Complete the sentence
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