Writing opinion essay
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935 results for 'writing opinion essay'
Label the paragraphs of an opinion essay
Labelled diagram
Opinion essay connectors
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GPF 5.7 ex5 Essay
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Essay - Formal VS Informal Writing
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ABC WRITING an essay
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Phrases for expressing opinion
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Labelled diagram
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Linkers C1
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An opinion essay (B1)
Labelled diagram
Miguel- B2 essay : Useful language
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Review Adjectives and adverbs
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Writing Part 1 - Essay (CAE)
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Essay DO'S and DON'TS
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B2 writing article
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Essay structure
Labelled diagram
Writing lesson1 Important words
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formal/ informal cover letter
Matching pairs
B1+ Writing
Labelled diagram
PET writing
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Flyers Reading Practice - Part 3
Complete the sentence
B2 writing informal email/letter
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PET Writing ARTICLE (Useful Phrases)
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Writing a review KEY PHRASES
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B1 PET informal email writing
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B2 letters: Formal vs Informal
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Essay useful language
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PB essay connectors
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First Essay linking words
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B1+ Writing 3
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Expressing opinion - synonyms for I think
Spin the wheel
N3 Opinion adjectives
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Formal VS Informal Writing - Letter
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Writing Words
Gold Experience B2: Unit 4 Giving Your Opinion
Speaking cards
A2+ writing a story - beginning/middle/end
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Essay Topics
Spin the wheel
Report writing formal language
Complete the sentence
C1 writing recommendations
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Fun for Movers, Unit 41, Ex. C
Complete the sentence
Flyers 1 (2018) T2 - R/W - Pt.2
Complete the sentence
Opinion Topics
Spin the wheel
Opinion Topics
Spin the wheel
B2 Formal letter writing structure
Labelled diagram
GPF 5.7 EM ex3 Essay
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XB1 U1 writing a letter
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B2: Essay connectors
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