
7. razred Religija

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10,000+ results for '7 razred religija'

Jahreszahlen Match up
Condizionale Match up
Le passé récent
Le passé récent Quiz
Past Simple vs Past Continuous
Past Simple vs Past Continuous Quiz
Someone, something...
Someone, something... Match up
Les pronoms COD & COI
Les pronoms COD & COI Quiz
 Le temps libre -les loisirs
Le temps libre -les loisirs Match up
Écologie-environnement Group sort
Lego Star Wars
Lego Star Wars Match up
Les pronoms relatifs simples (A2)
Les pronoms relatifs simples (A2) Quiz
Imparfait - Autrefois...
Imparfait - Autrefois... Hangman
Present Perfect Simple vs Past Simple
Present Perfect Simple vs Past Simple Open the box
Comparison of adjectives
Comparison of adjectives Quiz
dass-Sätze Complete the sentence
Relative pronouns
Relative pronouns Quiz
Lektion 7: Nebensatz mit DASS
Lektion 7: Nebensatz mit DASS Unjumble
Medien Match up
Lektion 6: Wie fühlst du dich?
Lektion 6: Wie fühlst du dich? Labelled diagram
Komparation der Adjektive
Komparation der Adjektive Whack-a-mole
Egypt 7
Egypt 7 Match up
Present Perfect - unjumble the sentences
Present Perfect - unjumble the sentences Unjumble
Relative pronouns
Relative pronouns Quiz
Possessivpronomen Open the box
Welche/welcher/welches -Nominativ
Welche/welcher/welches -Nominativ Complete the sentence
7.r. Wechselpräpositionen
7.r. Wechselpräpositionen Quiz
Fashion - clothing items
Fashion - clothing items Match up
7.r. Wenn, weil oder dass?
7.r. Wenn, weil oder dass? Quiz
weil /denn
weil /denn Group sort
New York 2
New York 2 Complete the sentence
First Conditional
First Conditional Quiz
Australia Find the match
Would you rather...?
Would you rather...? Speaking cards
Impératif Complete the sentence
Lektion 6: welcher, welchen, welche, welches
Lektion 6: welcher, welchen, welche, welches Quiz
Einiges über Rudi Präpositionen
Einiges über Rudi Präpositionen Labelled diagram
First Conditional
First Conditional Match up
Präteritum Match up
Reflexive pronouns
Reflexive pronouns Quiz
Froschkönig und Froschprinzessin
Froschkönig und Froschprinzessin Complete the sentence
Personalpronomen Quiz
Das Möbel
Das Möbel Match up
Modalverben im Präteritum
Modalverben im Präteritum Quiz
Valentine`s Day Proverbs (7.r, 8.r)
Valentine`s Day Proverbs (7.r, 8.r) Find the match
Musical instruments
Musical instruments Quiz
Imperfetto Match up
4A King Arthur - verb+ing or infinitive
4A King Arthur - verb+ing or infinitive Complete the sentence
L'Informatique et l'internet    (le vocabulaire)
L'Informatique et l'internet (le vocabulaire) Match up
Compound adjectives - movies
Compound adjectives - movies Match up
Indefinite pronouns
Indefinite pronouns Complete the sentence
Ostern Quiz
Natural disasters (SG)
Natural disasters (SG) Match up
Past Simple or Past Continuous?
Past Simple or Past Continuous? Quiz
Irregular verbs - Past Simple
Irregular verbs - Past Simple Matching pairs
Present Perfect Simple / Past Continuous / Past Simple
Present Perfect Simple / Past Continuous / Past Simple Quiz
Present Continuous & Present Simple
Present Continuous & Present Simple Quiz
Christmas Quiz
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