
9. osztály

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10,000+ results for '9 osztály'

Maison, meuble
Maison, meuble Find the match
Внешность Labelled diagram
Holiday questions
Holiday questions Speaking cards
Answer the questions. (Present Perfect)
Answer the questions. (Present Perfect) Speaking cards
Place the regular or irregular verbs in the correct groups!
Place the regular or irregular verbs in the correct groups! Group sort
Put the prepositions in the correct group
Put the prepositions in the correct group Group sort
Verben mit Präpositionen
Verben mit Präpositionen Quiz
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Speaking cards
Present Perfect or Past Simple?
Present Perfect or Past Simple? Group sort
Heute bleibe ich zu Hause, weil
Heute bleibe ich zu Hause, weil Unjumble
WISH + past or present practice
WISH + past or present practice Match up
Possessivpronomen Complete the sentence
used to
used to Speaking cards
Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous, or Past Simple?
Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous, or Past Simple? Quiz
 Past Simple
Past Simple Quiz
Húsvét Quiz
Chiffres Find the match
Ipari forradalom
Ipari forradalom Match up
Európa Labelled diagram
Szóelemek Labelled diagram
Telefonálással kapcsolatos tanácsok
Telefonálással kapcsolatos tanácsok Complete the sentence
Rapid randi kérdések osztályfőnöki órára
Rapid randi kérdések osztályfőnöki órára Spin the wheel
20 questions
20 questions Spin the wheel
Finalsatz: um + zu + Infinitiv
Finalsatz: um + zu + Infinitiv Speaking cards
Mellérendelő összetett mondatok
Mellérendelő összetett mondatok Quiz
Farsangi szokások
Farsangi szokások Crossword
Les verbes apprendre, comprendre, écrire, s'inscrire, devoir, étudier, remplir, répondre
Les verbes apprendre, comprendre, écrire, s'inscrire, devoir, étudier, remplir, répondre Quiz
Komparativ und Superlativ
Komparativ und Superlativ Speaking cards
Önismeret Spin the wheel
Clothes and fashion
Clothes and fashion Matching pairs
Past Tenses
Past Tenses Quiz
Present Perfect or Past Simple? Helyezd el az igéket a megfelelő csoportba!
Present Perfect or Past Simple? Helyezd el az igéket a megfelelő csoportba! Group sort
Murphy's Laws - First Conditional
Murphy's Laws - First Conditional Match up
Weihnachten Spin the wheel
Conditional Sentences Type 2
Conditional Sentences Type 2 Quiz
Passive Quiz
Konjunktiv II.
Konjunktiv II. Spin the wheel
Készíts riportot magaddal!
Készíts riportot magaddal! Open the box
Harry Potter Dobble
Harry Potter Dobble Find the match
Make true statements about what you did or didn't do yesterday.
Make true statements about what you did or didn't do yesterday. Speaking cards
Match the personality with a description.
Match the personality with a description. Find the match
Plans: What are they going to at the weekend?
Plans: What are they going to at the weekend? Speaking cards
Let's learn some food vocabulary!
Let's learn some food vocabulary! Group sort
Középkor - fogalmak
Középkor - fogalmak Match up
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Speaking cards
Give advice. Use should or shouldn't.
Give advice. Use should or shouldn't. Speaking cards
Környezetvédelem - Hogyan cselekszel?
Környezetvédelem - Hogyan cselekszel? Quiz
Put the correct statements into the correct groups.
Put the correct statements into the correct groups. Group sort
Ezen a héten...
Ezen a héten... Spin the wheel
Weihnachten in Deutschland
Weihnachten in Deutschland Complete the sentence
04_melléknevek_Copy of J vagy ly? Melléknevek helyesírása
04_melléknevek_Copy of J vagy ly? Melléknevek helyesírása Group sort
Bildbeschreibung - Frühstück
Bildbeschreibung - Frühstück Labelled diagram
Mit csinálnál ebben a helyzetben?
Mit csinálnál ebben a helyzetben? Spin the wheel
PASSIVE VOICE - active or passive
PASSIVE VOICE - active or passive Quiz
Possesivpronomen/ birtokos névmások
Possesivpronomen/ birtokos névmások Find the match
Choose the best words to the sentences.
Choose the best words to the sentences. Complete the sentence
Personalpronomen Find the match
Piktogramok Find the match
Make questions in the Past Simple.
Make questions in the Past Simple. Unjumble
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