English The club
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'english the club'
English Club Level 11 (ck)
Spin the wheel
English Club Level 1 (itpns)
Balloon pop
Lesson 8 - b - easier
Complete the sentence
Lesson 9 - r
Lesson 3 - Dad, Dan, and a Pit
Watch and memorize
itpns Level 1a English Club
Lesson 4 - Dan's Hat (easier quiz)
Open the box
Lesson 4 - Dan's Hat (quiz)
Open the box
Lesson 3 - Dad, Dan, and a Pit
Find the match
Lesson 24 - -ss
Gameshow quiz
Lesson 14 - ic
Group sort
Lesson 5 - e
Lesson 8 - b, d, and p words
Matching pairs
Hickey Lesson 1
Match up
Lesson 3
Lesson 2 - Nan's Nap
Matching pairs
Am, Is, Are - Exercise 1
Complete the sentence
Opening the Year Activity - English with Tamar
Spin the wheel
Jet 2 unit 1
Flip tiles
Match up
itpnsa Level 2a English Club
Group sort
Months of the Year
Rank order
Rooms in the house
Labelled diagram
itpnsa Levels 1-2 English Club
Group sort
Talk about...
Open the box
Teamwork Unit 1 p.12 - Clause 2
Complete the sentence
Teamwork Unit 1 p.12 - clause 1
Complete the sentence
stative verbs
Group sort
English Speaking Chunks
Speaking cards
Balloon pop
אות גדולה-אות קטנה ABC חלק א'
Matching pairs
Teamwork Unit 1 p.12
Match up
Aa, Bb, Nn, Dd
Group sort
Teamwork Unit 1 p.20
Match up
English letters A-I
Match up
English Club Level 12 Sentences
Complete the sentence
English Club Level 16 words
Speaking cards
English Club Level 12 Y
English Club Level 16 phrases fluency
Open the box
English Club Level 17 phrases & pictures
Speaking cards
English Club Level 15 phrases reading fluency
Speaking cards
English club level 11 sentences
Level 6 English Club phrases
Speaking cards
English Club Level 15 A Story
Rank order
English Club Level 17 phrases fluency
Speaking cards
English Club Level 12 Y phrases fluency
Speaking cards
Unfinished Sentences...
Spin the wheel
Level 5 English Club short sentences
Flash cards
Level 5 English Club story cloze
Complete the sentence
English Club Level 13- Two syllable (vc/cv) words
Speaking cards