Взрослые English / ESL Crime and punishment file upper intermediate
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Crime and Punishment
Gameshow quiz
Passive voice
Open the box
8A Crime and Punishment
Match up
Bad flights Upper-Intermediate EF
Flip tiles
6B Gerunds and Infinitives
Group sort
6B COMMUNICATIVE Gerund or infinitive?
Open the box
feelings upper
Speaking cards
NEF Upper-intermediate 3A Air travel
Match up
Speaking: I wish (NEF Upper-intermediate Communicative)
Spin the wheel
Body language (discussion)
Spin the wheel
Future Perfect and Future Continuous
Spin the wheel
2A Illnesses and injuries
Find the match
5B - Wish + Past Simple/Would
Speaking cards
Unit 2A Illnesses and injuries
Speaking cards
2B Clothes and fashion
contrast and purpose (Unit 9A)
Speaking cards
5b wish
Group sort
Unit 1B Guessing and checking information
Open the box
Unit 9A Mini Grammar (whatever, whenever, etc.)
Speaking cards
5A Feelings
Find the match
NEF Upper-intermediate 4A In 20 years' time
Spin the wheel
Word-building - Prefixes and Suffixes
Complete the sentence
Unit 10A Science Speaking
Speaking cards
Unit 2B Clothes and Fashion Speaking
Speaking cards
9A Communication (clauses of contrast and purpose)
Spin the wheel
4B Conditionals and future time clauses
Open the box
All tenses revision
Reporting Verbs Speaking
Spin the wheel
All tenses
Flip tiles
Unreal Conditionals
Speaking cards
Reporting Verbs
Match up
4A Weather
5A Feelings
Unit 1B Compound Adjectives
Match up
9A Mini Grammar (whatever, whenever, etc.)
Speaking cards
Business Vocabulary + Speaking
Complete the sentence
Unit 4B Expressions with take
Complete the sentence
English File intermediate. Transport
Match up
English File Pre-intermediate 3A
Flash cards
EF Upper-Intermediate prefixes
Match up
Fellings Upper-Intermediate (1)
Match up
Sleep (practice) Upper-Intermediate
Complete the sentence
English File Pre-Intermediate 3A
Match up
ZERO OR FIRST conditionals
Group sort