
18 99 sounds

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6,822 results for '18 99 sounds'

[s], [z], [iz] (Activity 2)
[s], [z], [iz] (Activity 2) Group sort
Polite request (situations)
Polite request (situations) Speaking cards
Imperatives (Activity 3)
Imperatives (Activity 3) Quiz
A/An, plural + vocabulary
A/An, plural + vocabulary Quiz
Sounds Spin the wheel
Prepositions of Time Practice
Prepositions of Time Practice Group sort
Letters with sounds A-Q
Letters with sounds A-Q Match up
Letters and sounds
Letters and sounds Labelled diagram
A-H letters- sounds- words
A-H letters- sounds- words Group sort
Sounds Great 1 (A/B/C)
Sounds Great 1 (A/B/C) Group sort
Sounds Great Unit 1
Sounds Great Unit 1 Anagram
money Match up
letters sounds R-Y
letters sounds R-Y Group sort
Sounds consonants
Sounds consonants Speaking cards
Confusing words
Confusing words Speaking cards
Summer activities questions
Summer activities questions Open the box
Speakout Interm. Family
Speakout Interm. Family Speaking cards
Sounds Speaking cards
sounds Group sort
sounds Group sort
sounds Balloon pop
Action and state verbs (Int)
Action and state verbs (Int) Quiz
Miss letters p. 14
Miss letters p. 14 Quiz
Success and ability
Success and ability Speaking cards
Phonetics i: [i],[ai]
Phonetics i: [i],[ai] Group sort
Предлоги Labelled diagram
My summer holidays
My summer holidays Spin the wheel
Letter e
Letter e Speaking cards
letter a
letter a Speaking cards
Reading ee/ea sound
Reading ee/ea sound Speaking cards
CAE Speaking Part
CAE Speaking Part Spin the wheel
CAE Speaking
CAE Speaking Open the box
Sounds Great ABC words
Sounds Great ABC words Match up
А or an
А or an Quiz
Sounds Great DEF words
Sounds Great DEF words Match up
Containers Group sort
Im Haushalt
Im Haushalt Speaking cards
Speaking B1-B2
Speaking B1-B2 Spin the wheel
Using technology (cards)
Using technology (cards) Speaking cards
Business warm-up general questions
Business warm-up general questions Speaking cards
Sounds Whack-a-mole
Sounds Spin the wheel
A/An (Activity 1)
A/An (Activity 1) Quiz
sounds Group sort
Sounds Open the box
数字 11-99
数字 11-99 Speaking cards
Numbers Find the match
Sounds Match up
Sounds Speaking cards
Adverbs of frequency (Activity 1)
Adverbs of frequency (Activity 1) Match up
Adverb of frequency (Activity 2)
Adverb of frequency (Activity 2) Unjumble
Sounds Great 2 short E
Sounds Great 2 short E Match up
TO BE Spin the wheel
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