Pesent perfect
Examples from our community
9,664 results for 'pesent perfect'
Perfect tenses revision
Speaking cards
Present Perfect & Past Simple
Flash cards
Present Perfect - Past Simple [ ? ]
Flash cards
Present Perfect vs. Past Simple Speaking
Speaking cards
Present perfect speaking
Speaking cards
Present Perfect Continuous/Present Perfect
Speaking cards
Present Perfect
Spin the wheel
Present Perfect
Spin the wheel
Present perfect + past simple questions
Spin the wheel
Present Perfect for-since
Speaking cards
Have you ever
Open the box
Present Perfect
Gameshow quiz
5 PRESENT PERFECT "You look...What's the matter?..."
Speaking cards
Present Perfect vs Past Simple
Speaking cards
Present Perfect + countries
Speaking cards
Present perfect speaking
Speaking cards
Past Perfect. End the sentences
Speaking cards
Have you ......... this year?
Speaking cards
Present perfect, revision
Match up
Have you ever ... ?
Speaking cards
Open the box
Past Perfect
Spin the wheel
Past Perfect. End the sentences.
Speaking cards
English in Mind 2 Communication Activity 13
Open the box
Talk about...
Open the box
Tell us!
Open the box
I have never V3 before
Speaking cards
Present perfect, present perfect continuous, past simple
Speaking cards
What's happened?
Speaking cards
Present perfect for/since
Speaking cards
Put words in the right position
Ever/never in Present Perfect
Speaking cards
Activities + experiences full
Speaking cards
Present Perfect & Past Simple
Flash cards
Present perfect unjumble
Present Perfect Continuous
Flip tiles
Present perfect
Flash cards
present perf cont make a question
Speaking cards
EO4_unit 1_past perfect
Speaking cards
Present Perfect. Have you ever
Spin the wheel
Present Perfect Continuous Guessing cards
Flash cards
Have you ever ....? When (did) you last ... ?
Speaking cards
Time expressions Present Perfect
Complete the sentence
Present perfect continuous
GG3_present perfect_just
Open the box
Christmas. Present Perfect. Have you already done it?
Speaking cards
EO4_unit1_ Past Perfect
Speaking cards
Present perfect continuous Guessing cards
Open the box
Present Perfect/Past Simple
Speaking cards