English language arts Possessive adjectives
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'ela possessive adjectives'
Possessive adjectives
Gameshow quiz
Possessive adjectives
True or false
Possessive Adjectives (new)
Gameshow quiz
Possessive Adjectives
Complete the sentence
Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns
Gameshow quiz
Possessive adjectives
Complete the sentence
Adjectives - People
Match up
Possessive Adjectives & Personal Pronouns
Gameshow quiz
People - adjectives
Find the match
Match up
Personality Adjectives
Match up
Possessive adjectives
Spin the wheel
Possessive Adjectives
Complete the sentence
Adjectives and nouns
Group sort
Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns Cloze
Complete the sentence
Possessive Adjectives Practice
Gameshow quiz
Find the adjectives
Maze chase
Adjectives 2 Personality Match
Match up
Possessive adjectives
Open the box
Possessive adjectives
True or false
Possessive adjectives
Gameshow quiz
Possessive Adjectives
Group sort
ff, ll, ss best friends at the end balloon pop
Balloon pop
Final Blends Balloon Pop
Balloon pop
Too or Not enough
Possessive Adjectives
Match up
Describing People
Possessive adjectives | Spanish
Maze chase
Spanish Possessive Adjectives
Balloon pop
Possessive Adjectives & Subject Pronouns
Complete the sentence
Adverbs and Adjectives
Matching pairs
Drawing Conclusion 1
Gameshow quiz
Character and Setting 2
Group sort
Drawing Conclusions 2
Spin the wheel
Text Features
Maze chase
Common and Proper Nouns
Group sort
Sequencing - Steps to Wash Dishes
Rank order
Final Blends Word Sort
Group sort
ADJECTIVES: comparative (2)
Matching pairs
ADJECTIVES: comparative (4)
True or false
ADJECTIVES: comparative (3)
Describing People
Open the box
Possessive Pronouns
Gameshow quiz
describing people
Gameshow quiz