Reading English
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'reading english'
Floss Rule
How many sounds? #2
Gameshow quiz
R and W Words
Group sort
Barton 3.6 Watch Out Vowels
Gameshow quiz
FIS lesson /k/ & /g/
Short a Reading Practice
Open the box
1.3 FUN Sentence Reading
Complete the sentence
Guided Reading Questions Interactive Wheel
Spin the wheel
Key words for phrases
Group sort
UFLI Lesson 50 Heart Word Review
Speaking cards
Bossy OR - Spin to Win
Spin the wheel
Barton 3.10 Contractions
Match up
Barton 8.7 Audience Saw Wordsearch
Genre Sort
Group sort
Barton 4.14 What vowel team is this?
Image quiz
Alliterations 2nd Grade from EdHelper
Complete the sentence
"l" blends
Find the match
Mixed Up Sentences- Wilson Level 2
Guided Reading Questions Interactive Cards
Speaking cards
Barton 5.2 Reading with Penguins
Speaking cards
9.1 wordlist
Spin the wheel
Which word has a prefix? Wilson 3.1
Gameshow quiz
Barton 6.11 Silent E units
Gameshow quiz
Wilson 10.2 silent e plus suffix
Gameshow quiz
End of Step 6 Fluency Phrases #1
Speaking cards
3.4 prefix + multisyllabic word Wilson (page 120)
Spin the wheel
1.6 Wilson suffix -s /s/ or /z/
Group sort
Book 4 rules by Baillie & Karyn
Group sort
WRS 6.4 - Word Cards(includes -stle)
Speaking cards
Wilson 3.4 + suffix p. 122
Spin the wheel
Wilson 5.3 Hangman
4.1 Nonsense Word Sort Wilson
Group sort
Wilson 4.4 Quizshow (v-e exception)
Gameshow quiz
4.1 Latin Bases
Match up
1.1 - 1.6 High frequency Words
Spin the wheel
WRS - 7.4 Word Cards
Speaking cards
ch or tch quiz show
Fat Stack Review: 1.3 - 2.2
Flip tiles
3.5 Floss word anagrams
Wilson 10.3 The 1-1-1 Rule
Gameshow quiz
Blend cards
Speaking cards
Wilson 1.3/1.4/1.5 Nonsense Words
Speaking cards
Wilson 1.3 High Frequency Words
Matching pairs
Match Up Plot of a Story
Match up
Find the ending blends by Christopher & Karyn
Gameshow quiz
mid- mis-non- un- trans-Wilson 3.2 prefixes
How many syllables? (Wilson 3.4)
Group sort
4.4 Wilson Wordlist Wheel
Spin the wheel
FIS lesson 10 /d/ & /t/ sort
Group sort