
Inglés Kids 2

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 CLOTHES- what are you wearing?
CLOTHES- what are you wearing? Rueda aleatoria
Revision Units 1-2
Revision Units 1-2 Diagrama con etiquetas
Where's the...?
Where's the...? Cuestionario
Revision Unit 3 Kids 2
Revision Unit 3 Kids 2 Diagrama con etiquetas
Personal questions Kids 2
Personal questions Kids 2 Rueda aleatoria
Final Exam Kids 2 Oral
Final Exam Kids 2 Oral Cartas al azar
Revision Units 4-5 Kids 2
Revision Units 4-5 Kids 2 Diagrama con etiquetas
KIDS 2 UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 Cada oveja con su pareja
School Subjects Worsearch
School Subjects Worsearch Sopa de letras
KIDS 2 (1)
KIDS 2 (1) Une las parejas
KIDS 2 - Vocabulary Unit 2
KIDS 2 - Vocabulary Unit 2 Cada oveja con su pareja
Jasper's pot of Gold - Part 1
Jasper's pot of Gold - Part 1 Concurso de preguntas
Strange Animals Habitats
Strange Animals Habitats Cuestionario
U7 OUTDOOR THINGS Diagrama con etiquetas
U6 ACTIVITIES Cuestionario
Where is it? Where are they?
Where is it? Where are they? Cada oveja con su pareja
Bright ideas 1 -  Unit 3: Toys
Bright ideas 1 - Unit 3: Toys Anagrama
Rainforest Animals
Rainforest Animals Cuestionario
U7 Outdoor things - Wordsearch
U7 Outdoor things - Wordsearch Sopa de letras
Jasper Part 2
Jasper Part 2 Cuestionario
Kid's box 2 Review
Kid's box 2 Review Concurso de preguntas
***Verb To Be - Affirmative Sentences II***
***Verb To Be - Affirmative Sentences II*** Reordenar
***Let's make QUESTIONS using the Present Continuous Tense!!!***
***Let's make QUESTIONS using the Present Continuous Tense!!!*** Rueda aleatoria
***Choose the correct option - The Present Continuous Tense - Negative Sentences***
***Choose the correct option - The Present Continuous Tense - Negative Sentences*** Cuestionario
***Verb To Be - Affirmative Sentences***
***Verb To Be - Affirmative Sentences*** Abrecajas
***Present Continuous II***
***Present Continuous II*** Concurso de preguntas
Family Members - Hangman
Family Members - Hangman Ahorcado
Body parts
Body parts Diagrama con etiquetas
***Choose The Correct Option - The Present Continuous Tense I***
***Choose The Correct Option - The Present Continuous Tense I*** Cuestionario
OPPOSITES Cada oveja con su pareja
Numbers (from 11 to 20)
Numbers (from 11 to 20) Parejas
Unit 2 FCE Expert Vocabulary 2
Unit 2 FCE Expert Vocabulary 2 Persecución en el laberinto
Personal questions Kids 2
Personal questions Kids 2 Rueda aleatoria
Word Formation
Word Formation Une las parejas
What's the matter? 2B
What's the matter? 2B Cuestionario
Ping Pong questions Kids 2
Ping Pong questions Kids 2 Rueda aleatoria
What pets eat - CLIL Unit2
What pets eat - CLIL Unit2 Une las parejas
Do you want to play...?
Do you want to play...? Reordenar
Modo subjuntivo
Modo subjuntivo Rueda aleatoria
Verbs to nouns
Verbs to nouns Parejas
AACI Practica - Kids 2
AACI Practica - Kids 2 Rueda aleatoria
the time
the time Une las parejas
Feelings Kids 2
Feelings Kids 2 Cada oveja con su pareja
***Daily Routines***
***Daily Routines*** Rueda aleatoria
***The Simple Present Tense - Negative Form***
***The Simple Present Tense - Negative Form*** Cuestionario
***Anagram - Numbers 11 to 20***
***Anagram - Numbers 11 to 20*** Anagrama
***Choose the correct Possessive Adjective***
***Choose the correct Possessive Adjective*** Cuestionario
***Multiple Choice - There Is / There Are***
***Multiple Choice - There Is / There Are*** Cuestionario
***Choose AM / IS / ARE - The Present Continuous Tense***
***Choose AM / IS / ARE - The Present Continuous Tense*** Cuestionario
What did you do...?
What did you do...? Cartas al azar
***Let's make sentences using the Present Continuous Tense!!!***
***Let's make sentences using the Present Continuous Tense!!!*** Rueda aleatoria
***The Present Continuous Tense - Complete the sentences***
***The Present Continuous Tense - Complete the sentences*** Concurso de preguntas
***Choose the correct Personal Pronoun***
***Choose the correct Personal Pronoun*** Cuestionario
Are there any... / Is there any...?
Are there any... / Is there any...? Cuestionario
***Choose the Correct Option - There Is / There Are***
***Choose the Correct Option - There Is / There Are*** Cuestionario
***Numbers 1 to 20***
***Numbers 1 to 20*** Cartas al azar
***Simple Present Tense I***
***Simple Present Tense I*** Cuestionario
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