Eap i1 quantifiers
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2.229 resultados para 'eap i1 quantifiers'
EAP I1 M2 U5 Determiners of Quantity Gapfill
EAP I1 M2 U5 Determiners of Quantity Questions
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EAP I1 M2 U4 Past Simple Warmer
Rueda aleatoria
EAP I1 M2 U4 Describe what happened (past tenses)
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EAP I1 M2 Unit 4 Shopping Discussions
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EAP I1 M1 U1 Discussing good or bad manners?
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EAP I1 U1 Discussing Politeness and Manners
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EAP I1 M1 U1 Social Media Conversation Questions
Rueda aleatoria
EAP I1 M2 U4 City Conversations
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EAP I1 M2 U4 Irregular Verb Whack-a-mole
EAP I1 M2 U4 Irregular verb images + word forms
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EC I1 M2 5A Past Perfect Domino match
Cada oveja con su pareja
EC I1 M2 5A Why did you say that? Past Perfect
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Conversation I1-I2 100 Quickfire Wh- Questions
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EAP Test Problems and Solution
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EC I2 M2 9B Grammar Bank Quantifiers
EC I1 M2 5A Superstitions from Around the World
Tarjetas flash
EC B4 M2 12A Grammar - Past Perfect Gapfil
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EAP I1 M2 U5 L&S Prefix Quiz
Concurso de preguntas
EC I1 M2 5B Used to: How did they change the world?
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EC I1 M2 5A Name the Sport Image Quiz
Acertijo visual
EC I1 M2 5A Murder Mystery
EAP I2 M2 U10 Reported Speech Rules - Find the match
Une las parejas
Pronunciation I1-I2 Rhythm/Stress Matching
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EAP I2 M1 U8 Past Perfect Explanations
Rueda aleatoria
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Rueda aleatoria
EC I1 M2 5A Narrative story A Spooky Experience
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I1-I2 Con M2 W1 Experiences discussion with full sentences.
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EC I1 M2 4A Reflexive pronouns Multiple choice gaps
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EC I1 M1 2A A present perfect Love Story
1 Quantifiers
Quantifiers Speaking
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EAP I2 M1 U8 Past Perfect Jumble
IELTS I1 -A1 Speaking part 2
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EC I1 M1 3A Gender Stereotype Questions
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Concurso de preguntas
EC I1 M2 5A Change of plan Past continuous + Past simple
Fichas giratorias
EC I1 M2 4A -ed / -ing Adjectives
Rueda aleatoria
EAP I1 M1 U3 Modals of obligation and necessity
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EAP I1 M1 U3 2 syllable stress pattern
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EAP I1-I2 M2 U4 The superconsumer generation vocab (R1)
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EC I1 M1 1A Present simple or continuous?
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EAP I2 M2 U10 Transform into Reported Speech (with images)
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Third Conditional EAP 1-2
EAP I2 M2 U10 Simpsons Quotes Reported Speech
EAP I4+ Speak for 1 minute
EC I1 M1 2B Discussing Charity and Volunteer work
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2 pictures = 1 word Vocabulary Fun (feat compound nouns)
Tarjetas flash
EC I1 M1 2A Have you ever...?