
Evolve 4

Ejemplos de nuestra comunidad

2.017 resultados para 'evolve 4'

Add pairs of numbers to make 10
Add pairs of numbers to make 10 Cada oveja con su pareja
Childhood rules
Childhood rules Rueda aleatoria
Describing trends
Describing trends Ordenar por grupo
Describing stories
Describing stories Une las parejas
Modifying comparatives
Modifying comparatives Cartas al azar
Has this happened to you?
Has this happened to you? Cartas al azar
People in the media (1)
People in the media (1) Cartas al azar
What's missing? (2)
What's missing? (2) Cartas al azar
What happened?
What happened? Cartas al azar
Problems and solutions (too & enough) 1
Problems and solutions (too & enough) 1 Cartas al azar
People in the media (2)
People in the media (2) Cartas al azar
Describing memories
Describing memories Une las parejas
Advertising techniques
Advertising techniques Tarjetas flash
Talking about college education
Talking about college education Completar la frase
Talking about college life
Talking about college life Tarjetas flash
Quantifiers Tarjetas flash
Work-life balance
Work-life balance Cartas al azar
Modals of past probability
Modals of past probability Tarjetas flash
Describing accomplishments Evolve 4 1.1
Describing accomplishments Evolve 4 1.1 Anagrama
College life
College life Une las parejas
Key qualities (2)
Key qualities (2) Cartas al azar
Describing good deeds
Describing good deeds Une las parejas
Evolve 4 (content)
Evolve 4 (content) Tarjetas flash
Describing accomplishments Evolve 4 1.1
Describing accomplishments Evolve 4 1.1 Une las parejas
Post test analysis
Post test analysis Tarjetas flash
What's missing? (1)
What's missing? (1) Cartas al azar
People in the media
People in the media Reordenar
Right or wrong?
Right or wrong? Tarjetas flash
Past unreal conditionals
Past unreal conditionals Reordenar
Modifying comparatives
Modifying comparatives Cartas al azar
Acts of kindness
Acts of kindness Abrecajas
Reporting questions
Reporting questions Une las parejas
Describing communication
Describing communication Une las parejas
Reporting questions
Reporting questions Cartas al azar
Product reviews
Product reviews Ordenar por grupo
Evolve 4 (Module 1)
Evolve 4 (Module 1) Tarjetas flash
Key qualities (1)
Key qualities (1) Cartas al azar
Making and breaking plans
Making and breaking plans Une las parejas
Spot the mistakes
Spot the mistakes Tarjetas flash
Scientific fact or not?
Scientific fact or not? Tarjetas flash
Tense review (speaking)
Tense review (speaking) Cartas al azar
Communicating online
Communicating online Abrecajas
Problems and solutions (too & enough) 2
Problems and solutions (too & enough) 2 Cartas al azar
Spot the mistake
Spot the mistake Tarjetas flash
Evolve 4 Unit 10.1
Evolve 4 Unit 10.1 Cuestionario
Post-test analysis
Post-test analysis Tarjetas flash
Working from home on Fridays (4)
Working from home on Fridays (4) Cartas al azar
Greetings Year 4
Greetings Year 4 Une las parejas
He's happy! Lesson 4
He's happy! Lesson 4 Cuestionario
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