
6. osztály

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10.000+ resultados para '6 osztály'

wenn Reordenar
Magyarország szomszédos országai
Magyarország szomszédos országai Diagrama con etiquetas
Hazánk nagy tájai
Hazánk nagy tájai Diagrama con etiquetas
Osztályfőnöki óra
Osztályfőnöki óra Rueda aleatoria
Az ige helyesírása
Az ige helyesírása Ordenar por grupo
Christmas Concurso de preguntas
Irregular 21 - 30 Quiz
Irregular 21 - 30 Quiz Cuestionario
Viszonyszók Ordenar por grupo
Where is the furniture?
Where is the furniture? Diagrama con etiquetas
Food riddle
Food riddle Tarjetas flash
Make some questions.
Make some questions. Reordenar
Put the words in order to make sentences.
Put the words in order to make sentences. Reordenar
Put the words in order to form sentences. (House)
Put the words in order to form sentences. (House) Reordenar
Have got or has got?
Have got or has got? Cuestionario
Past Simple_Irregular verbs
Past Simple_Irregular verbs Cartas al azar
Project 1 50/1
Project 1 50/1 Completar la frase
Going to (speaking practice)
Going to (speaking practice) Cartas al azar
Irregular verbs 11-20
Irregular verbs 11-20 Cada oveja con su pareja
Match the pictures with the categories.
Match the pictures with the categories. Ordenar por grupo
Project 1 50/2  - Short answers
Project 1 50/2 - Short answers Une las parejas
How much do you know about Xmas?
How much do you know about Xmas? Concurso de preguntas
Find 10 Past Simple verbs.
Find 10 Past Simple verbs. Sopa de letras
Make sentences.
Make sentences. Reordenar
Have got or has got?
Have got or has got? Cuestionario
Make true statements in Present Continuous.
Make true statements in Present Continuous. Cartas al azar
Put the correct daily routines into the sentences.
Put the correct daily routines into the sentences. Completar la frase
Válaszolj a kérdésekre!
Válaszolj a kérdésekre! Rueda aleatoria
Answer my questions.
Answer my questions. Rueda aleatoria
Match the pictures with the words.
Match the pictures with the words. Cada oveja con su pareja
Ask questions. Use was or were.
Ask questions. Use was or were. Cartas al azar
Make Present Simple sentences about the pictures.
Make Present Simple sentences about the pictures. Cartas al azar
A Föld napjával kapcsolatos fogalmak
A Föld napjával kapcsolatos fogalmak Anagrama
Guess the family members.
Guess the family members. Rueda aleatoria
countable/Uncountable 4.-5. osztály
countable/Uncountable 4.-5. osztály Aplastatopos
What clothes are they wearing?
What clothes are they wearing? Anagrama
Choose the correct WH-question word in each sentence.
Choose the correct WH-question word in each sentence. Une las parejas
Put the words in order to make questions.
Put the words in order to make questions. Reordenar
Was/were Ordenar por grupo
Párosítsd össze az ének szólamokat!
Párosítsd össze az ének szólamokat! Cada oveja con su pareja
Make a Past Simple sentence.
Make a Past Simple sentence. Cartas al azar
Complete the sentences with the correct verbs.
Complete the sentences with the correct verbs. Cuestionario
Put the verbs into the correct categories.
Put the verbs into the correct categories. Ordenar por grupo
Put the letters in order to form Past Simple verbs.
Put the letters in order to form Past Simple verbs. Anagrama
Find the countries in the World map.
Find the countries in the World map. Diagrama con etiquetas
What furniture is there in the house?
What furniture is there in the house? Diagrama con etiquetas
Easter Quiz: How much do you know about Easter?
Easter Quiz: How much do you know about Easter? Cuestionario
Put the words in the correct group.
Put the words in the correct group. Ordenar por grupo
Unscrambe the daily routines.
Unscrambe the daily routines. Anagrama
Present Perfect
Present Perfect Reordenar
Trapéz - paralelogramma - rombusz
Trapéz - paralelogramma - rombusz Ordenar por grupo
Háromszögek csoportosítása oldalai szerint
Háromszögek csoportosítása oldalai szerint Ordenar por grupo
Magyarország három részre szakadása
Magyarország három részre szakadása Diagrama con etiquetas
Körperteile Cada oveja con su pareja
some/any Cuestionario
Perfekt - Sätze bilden
Perfekt - Sätze bilden Reordenar
Wenn... alkoss mondatot!
Wenn... alkoss mondatot! Reordenar
Egyenes arányosság (1)
Egyenes arányosság (1) Cuestionario
Az első ipari forradalom
Az első ipari forradalom Completar la frase
Négyszögek válogatása
Négyszögek válogatása Cuestionario
¿Restaurar actividad almacenada automáticamente: ?