
12-й класс

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Pets_ОГЭ. Диалог-расcпрос.  how teenagers feel about  pets and animals
Pets_ОГЭ. Диалог-расcпрос. how teenagers feel about pets and animals Une las parejas
Present perfect speaking
Present perfect speaking Cartas al azar
Conditionals Cartas al azar
Глаголы, после которых употребляется Gerund
Глаголы, после которых употребляется Gerund Une las parejas
З или С на конце приставки
З или С на конце приставки Verdadero o falso
GG1 2.5. Super backpack swap flash ru-eng
GG1 2.5. Super backpack swap flash ru-eng Une las parejas
This These Those That
This These Those That Cada oveja con su pareja
Phrasal verbs with Get
Phrasal verbs with Get Une las parejas
Winter Holidays Conversation Questions [B1-C2]
Winter Holidays Conversation Questions [B1-C2] Rueda aleatoria
weather conditions
weather conditions Une las parejas
SS Numbers - groups | 1-10, 10-20
SS Numbers - groups | 1-10, 10-20 Ordenar por grupo
Степени сравнения РКИ / Degrees of comparison in Russian
Степени сравнения РКИ / Degrees of comparison in Russian Cuestionario
HSK 1 (вся лексика 1)
HSK 1 (вся лексика 1) Une las parejas
3. HSK1级 6-7课(拼音)
3. HSK1级 6-7课(拼音) Une las parejas
Difficult numbers
Difficult numbers Cuestionario
Farther/further Cuestionario
Present Perfect vs Past Simple Markers
Present Perfect vs Past Simple Markers Ordenar por grupo
Conditionals 0, 1, 2, 3
Conditionals 0, 1, 2, 3 Rueda aleatoria
Gateway A1+ unit 2 school days - posessive `s & have/has got
Gateway A1+ unit 2 school days - posessive `s & have/has got Cartas al azar
Past Story Dominoes DRAMA
Past Story Dominoes DRAMA Cartas al azar
TO RUN (phrasal verbs)
TO RUN (phrasal verbs) Cuestionario
How is the boy?/ How is the girl?
How is the boy?/ How is the girl? Cartas al azar
comparisons unit 2.2 GG3
comparisons unit 2.2 GG3 Cartas al azar
Comparative and superlative adjectives unit 2.2
Comparative and superlative adjectives unit 2.2 Cuestionario
Go Getter 3_Unit 3_Get Culture
Go Getter 3_Unit 3_Get Culture Une las parejas
Spotlight. 2.Lesson 12.My Home
Spotlight. 2.Lesson 12.My Home Cada oveja con su pareja
РКИ / Dates + genitive ( Даты рождения в Родительном падеже)
РКИ / Dates + genitive ( Даты рождения в Родительном падеже) Cartas al azar
4. HSK1级 8-9课(拼音)
4. HSK1级 8-9课(拼音) Une las parejas
Умножение на 4
Умножение на 4 Aplastatopos
5. HSK1级 10-11课(拼音)
5. HSK1级 10-11课(拼音) Une las parejas
2. HSK1级   4-5课(拼音)
2. HSK1级 4-5课(拼音) Une las parejas
HSK 1 (вся лексика 2)
HSK 1 (вся лексика 2) Une las parejas
5. HSK 2级 9-10课  (拼音)
5. HSK 2级 9-10课 (拼音) Une las parejas
Things you need on holiday
Things you need on holiday Une las parejas
6. HSK 1级 12-13课 (拼音)
6. HSK 1级 12-13课 (拼音) Une las parejas
Танки Блиц
Танки Блиц Persecución en el laberinto
Параллелепипед Diagrama con etiquetas
Proverbs and sayings in English with Russian equivalents.
Proverbs and sayings in English with Russian equivalents. Cada oveja con su pareja
Thanksgiving history and traditions
Thanksgiving history and traditions Cuestionario
TV Programmes Spotlight 6 unit 4b
TV Programmes Spotlight 6 unit 4b Anagrama
HSK1 12 урок 太...了 ...
HSK1 12 урок 太...了 ... Abrecajas
Prasal verbs with Come
Prasal verbs with Come Une las parejas
TO BRING (phrasal verb)
TO BRING (phrasal verb) Cuestionario
can/can't spotlight 5 module 4
can/can't spotlight 5 module 4 Abrecajas
 Daily routine spotlight6 unit 4a
Daily routine spotlight6 unit 4a Cada oveja con su pareja
Spotlight 5 Module 5
Spotlight 5 Module 5 Ordenar por grupo
Pets and farm animals (voc) Spotlight 5 unit 5c
Pets and farm animals (voc) Spotlight 5 unit 5c Ordenar por grupo
 FF 1 Unit 12
FF 1 Unit 12 Cada oveja con su pareja
Christmas family
Christmas family Diagrama con etiquetas
I haven't V3 yet
I haven't V3 yet Cartas al azar
Questions sur le thème "Voyages et vacances"
Questions sur le thème "Voyages et vacances" Rueda aleatoria
Prepare 7 Unit 2 Vocabulary
Prepare 7 Unit 2 Vocabulary Cada oveja con su pareja
Ко дню птиц
Ко дню птиц Cuestionario
Alice in Wonderland_Chapter 1_Missing words
Alice in Wonderland_Chapter 1_Missing words Completar la frase
FF1 Unit 12 (1)
FF1 Unit 12 (1) Sopa de letras
Угадывающее чтение. №1 (СГССГ)
Угадывающее чтение. №1 (СГССГ) Cuestionario
 Family and friends 3 unit 4
Family and friends 3 unit 4 Cuestionario
Academy Stars 1 Reading time 1
Academy Stars 1 Reading time 1 Completar la frase
FF 3 Unit 15
FF 3 Unit 15 Diagrama con etiquetas
Academy stars 3 Unit 6
Academy stars 3 Unit 6 Une las parejas
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