
Spotlight 3

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Have got/has got +, -, ? Spotlight 2 (№4)
Have got/has got +, -, ? Spotlight 2 (№4) Cuestionario
Words for beginners
Words for beginners Cuestionario
 personal pronouns
personal pronouns Cuestionario
 Spotlight 2 Food
Spotlight 2 Food Cada oveja con su pareja
Have got/has got, sorting sentences. Spotlight 2 (№3)
Have got/has got, sorting sentences. Spotlight 2 (№3) Ordenar por grupo
short form of 'to be'
short form of 'to be' Une las parejas
Pronouns Cuestionario
Questions About Family
Questions About Family Rueda aleatoria
Jobs Une las parejas
Pronouns Ordenar por grupo
Cardinal and Ordinal numbers
Cardinal and Ordinal numbers Cuestionario
Present Continuous
Present Continuous Une las parejas
Spotlight 4 Present Simple/Present Continuous
Spotlight 4 Present Simple/Present Continuous Cuestionario
Множественное число. Исключения
Множественное число. Исключения Cuestionario
 Spotlight 3 Unit 12
Spotlight 3 Unit 12 Une las parejas
Whose tail?
Whose tail? Cuestionario
Present Simple
Present Simple Cuestionario
Find rooms in the house
Find rooms in the house Diagrama con etiquetas
Nouns ( plural) 3-4
Nouns ( plural) 3-4 Cuestionario
shape sort
shape sort Ordenar por grupo
To be. Spotlight
To be. Spotlight Ordenar por grupo
Family and friends 1 Unit 9 | Have got / Has got +, -
Family and friends 1 Unit 9 | Have got / Has got +, - Cuestionario
Present Simple (+)
Present Simple (+) Cuestionario
Future Simpe vs Present Simple
Future Simpe vs Present Simple Cuestionario
Prepositions of Place
Prepositions of Place Cuestionario
have got / has got
have got / has got Cuestionario
About myself
About myself Completar la frase
Question words
Question words Cuestionario
Множественное число существительных. Исключения
Множественное число существительных. Исключения Une las parejas
Present Simple ( do/does) 3-4 (1)
Present Simple ( do/does) 3-4 (1) Completar la frase
the weather
the weather Fichas giratorias
Seasons /Months
Seasons /Months Ordenar por grupo
Family and Friends 3 Unit 13
Family and Friends 3 Unit 13 Cada oveja con su pareja
Present Simple or Present Continuous 3- 4
Present Simple or Present Continuous 3- 4 Completar la frase
Translate into English
Translate into English Cartas al azar
Short answers
Short answers Cuestionario
Present Continuous
Present Continuous Completar la frase
It's a/ They're
It's a/ They're Cuestionario
дни недели
дни недели Sopa de letras
 Where is / Where are?
Where is / Where are? Cartas al azar
Spotlight 3. 9a
Spotlight 3. 9a Une las parejas
Spotlight 3 On in at (days & time)
Spotlight 3 On in at (days & time) Cuestionario
Spotlight 3 Module 8 (prepositions)
Spotlight 3 Module 8 (prepositions) Rueda aleatoria
Spotlight 3 (15a) phrases
Spotlight 3 (15a) phrases Concurso de preguntas
 Spotlight 3 Module 6 Unit 11a Prepositions of Place
Spotlight 3 Module 6 Unit 11a Prepositions of Place Ahorcado
Daily Routine
Daily Routine Cuestionario
 Spotlight 3 Modules 5 Unit 9b Plural forms
Spotlight 3 Modules 5 Unit 9b Plural forms Sopa de letras
possessive Parejas
Possessive pronouns
Possessive pronouns Cuestionario
Spotlight 3, Module 7 (13a).
Spotlight 3, Module 7 (13a). Reordenar
Spotlight 3 Unit 6a
Spotlight 3 Unit 6a Cuestionario
Spotlight 3 Module 4
Spotlight 3 Module 4 Ordenar por grupo
Spotlight 3 Module 6 - My House!
Spotlight 3 Module 6 - My House! Diagrama con etiquetas
Spotlight 3 6a
Spotlight 3 6a Ahorcado
Days of the week
Days of the week Sopa de letras
Spotlight 3 Module 4 Unit 7a Toys
Spotlight 3 Module 4 Unit 7a Toys Persecución en el laberinto
Spotlight 3 Module3 Unit 6a Food
Spotlight 3 Module3 Unit 6a Food Cuestionario
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