1) What does it mean "Decision"? a) A choice that you make about something after thinking about several possibilities. b) Action and effect for actuation. c) Firmness of purpose; resoluteness. 2) What does it mean "Choice"? a) An act or the possibility of choosing. b) Elements for make up for procese and to exchange information for the emisor transmited a receptor we a message a through a channel viewer. c) A standard by which you judge, decide about, or deal with something. 3) What does it mean "Alternative"? a) A vigorous or determined attempt. b) The opinion you have after considering all the information about something. c) Offering a choice between two or more things. 4) What does it mean "Method"? a) The quality or state of being prepared to do something; readiness. b) A particular form of procedure for accomplishing or approaching something, especially a systematic or established one. c) Action and effect for actuation. 5) What does it mean "Planning"? a) Establish or indicate who or what (someone or something) is. b) The act or process of making or carrying out plans specifically. c) An act or the possibility of choosing. 6) What does it mean "Determination"? a) Firmness of purpose; resoluteness. b) An act or the possibility of choosing. c) Offering a choice between two or more things. 7) What does it mean "Criterion"? a) A choice that you make about something after thinking about several possibilities. b) A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end. c) A standard by which you judge, decide about, or deal with something. 8) What does it mean "Process"? a) The act or process of making or carrying out plans specifically. b) Establish or indicate who or what (someone or something) is. c) A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end. 9) What does it mean "Conclusion"? a) Offering a choice between two or more things. b) The opinion you have after considering all the information about something. c) Elements for make up for procese and to exchange information for the emisor transmited a receptor we a message a through a channel viewer. 10) What does it mean "Responsability"? a) The opinion you have after considering all the information about something. b) The quality or state of being prepared to do something; readiness. c) Able for decisions making we conscient and will conductes to improve we help a others people.

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