1. Harry ____ hay fever and sneezes a lot if he’s near grass or flowers. 2. My arm ____ where I banged it against the car door. 3. My back ____ after all that digging yesterday. 4. She tripped on the uneven pavement and ____ her ankle. She has to use crutches now. 5. I feel a bit ____. I think I should sit down or I might faint. 6. She was a bit ____ this morning, so I took her temperature. 7. My head is ____. I tend to suffer from migraines. 8. I was feeling ____ after taking the medicine, but it passed. I didn't throw up. 9. I had a bad allergic reaction and I was brought to hospital in a ____. 10. I broke my arm when I was ten. I hated having to wear a sling but the plaster ____ was cool. All of my friends signed on it.

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