Sarah always does her homework every evening., John usually plays basketball with his friends on weekends., Lisa enjoys reading novels in her free time., James never goes for a run in the park after dinner., Rachel sometimes cooks dinner for her family on Sundays., Peter and James take guitar lessons twice a week., My friends and I study English in the evenings., Laura often visits her grandparents every month., Sarah doesn't like to eat spicy food., John doesn't usually watch horror movies. , Lisa doesn't enjoy going to crowded places., Emily doesn't drink soda; she prefers water., James and Lisa don't play video games because they find them boring., Rachel doesn't eat meat; she's a vegetarian., Michael doesn't usually eat breakfast in the mornings., I don't have any siblings., Tom and Rachel don't know how to swim., Jennifer doesn't drink alcohol., Does Sarah enjoy going to the gym?, Does John have any siblings?, Does Lisa play any musical instruments?, Does David prefer tea or coffee in the mornings?, Do Emily and Lisa like to travel?, Do you know how to cook?, Does Rachel have any pets?, Do Michael and David enjoy hiking?, Does Olivia speak any other languages?, Do you prefer cats or dogs?, Does Mary enjoy going to the beach?, Does Alex play any sports?,

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