1) CANOE a) a narrow boat with pointed ends that is moved along by using a paddle. b) a pleasure voyage on a ship, usually with stops at various ports. c) a large vessel built to carry people or goods long distances through deep water. 2) COAST a) the salt water covering most of the earth b) a large natural stream of water flowing in a particular course toward a lake, ocean, or other body of water. c) the land next to the sea 3) WATERFALL a) a deep hole dug in the ground to get water, oil, gas, or other natural resources b) a place where a river drops from a high place c) a large natural stream of water flowing in a particular course toward a lake, ocean, or oth 4) DAMAGE a) a place where a river drops from a high place b) break or harm something c) a model of a castle built out of sand, typically by children. 5) SIGHTSEEING a) save something from danger b) to go or come to see. c) visiting interesting places 6) RESPECT a) to find pleasure in; enjoy. b) to value; to take care of something c) to break or harm something 7) UNSPOILED a) still naturally beautiful; not developed by people b) a safe place c) not interesting 8) TOUR GUIDE a) The activity of going for long walks, especially across country. b) A person who shows tourists around and gives them information c) The activity of staying in a camp or living for a short time in a tent for recreation. 9) CREATURE a) animal b) the letters of a written language, given in proper order. c) a person who is good at painting, music, writing, or any other art. 10) SOUVENIR a) a knot that is easy to loosen b) something given as a gift. c) something kept as a reminder of a place, event, or friendship; memento 11) HIKING a) to go quickly by moving the legs more rapidly than at a walk b) to take a long walk in the country for fun, exercise, or training. c) to rise quickly to a standing position 12) TOURIST a) an actor who wears odd clothes and makeup to make people laugh. b) a large number of people gathered together. c) a person who is travelling for pleasure.

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