Which do you think is ______ to learn, your own language or English? HARD, What's ______ holiday you've ever had? BAD, What's _____ thing about studying English? DIFFICULT, Which do you use _____, public transport or a car? OFTEN, During a typical day, are you _____ in the morning or in the afternoon? ACTIVE, What's your _____ habit? UNHEALTHY, Who's ______ person in your family? GOOD-LOOKING, Who in your family are you _____ to? CLOSE, If you have a technical problem, who's _____ person you know to help you? GOOD, Which do you think is ______ , a laptop or a tablet? PRACTICAL, Apart from English, what do you think is _____ foreign language to learn? USEFUL, Do you find listening is _____ than speaking? EASY, What's _____ journey you've ever been on? LONG, Do you think travelling alone is _____ than travelling with friends or family? ENJOYABLE, Which part of the day is _____ for you? RELAXING, Do you eat _____ than in the past? HEALTHILY, What's your _____ friend like? GOOD, Who's _____ English speaker in your family? FLUENT, Which do you replace _____, your phone or your laptop / tablet? OFTEN, What's _____ gadget you've ever bought? EXPENSIVE.

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