1) Which chambers of the heart pump the blood out? a) Arteries b) Atria c) Ventricles d) Capilliaries 2) Which chambers of the heart receive the blood from the veins? a) Arteries b) Atria c) Ventricles d) Capilliaries 3) Which ventricle has a thicker muscle wall? a) Left ventricle b) Right Ventricle 4) In the heart, what prevents the backflow of blood? a) Semilunar Valves b) Bicuspid Valves c) Tricuspid Valves d) Rotary valve e) A,B and C 5) What substance can build up in the arteries to restrict the flow of blood? a) Plaque b) Fibre c) Lactic Acid d) Carbon Dioxide 6) If the neither the atria or ventricles are contracting, will blood continue to flow into the heart? a) Yes b) No 7) Which valves will close when the ventricular pressure is high? a) Atriventricular b) Semi lunar c) Both 8) What is normal blood pressure a) 130/80 b) 200/50 c) 200/180 d) 90/60 9) When the venticles contract we call this... a) Systole. b) Diastole 10) The only artery to carry deoxygentaed blood is the... a) Aorta b) Hepatic portal vein c) Pulmonary artery d) Renal artery 11) The left atrium recieves blood from the a) Pulmonary artery b) Pulmonary vein c) Aorta d) Vena cava 12) The right ventricle pumps blood into the... a) Pumonary artery b) Pulmonary vein c) Aorta d) Vena cava 13) The only artery / vein with no direct link to the heart is the a) Hepatic vein b) Renal vein c) Pulmonary vein d) Hepatic portal vein 14) Semi lunar valves close when the pressure.... a) Increases in the ventricles b) Decreases in the ventricles c) Increases in the atria 15) Atrioventricular valves open when... a) The pressure in the atria is high b) The pressure in the ventricles is high 16) Ventricles are contracting = a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 17) Atria contracting = a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 18) Semi lunar valves open = a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 19) Atriventricular vavles open a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 20) Atriventricular valves close a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 21) Systole = a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) Panda the Guinea Pig 22) The vessel which supplies the heart with O2 and glusose is... a) Aorta b) Pulmonary artery c) Vena Cava d) Pulmonary vein e) Coronary artery

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