1) What would he or she change about himself or herself if he or she could? 2) Has he or she ever had a nickname? What is it? 3) Who would he or she want to be stranded with on a deserted island? 4) How would he or she describe himself or herself? 5) Where do you see him or her in five years? 6) What's his or her favorite type of foreign food? 7) How long does it take him or her to get ready in the morning? 8) Is his glass half full or half empty? 9) What three items would he or she take on a deserted island? 10) Is he or she an introvert or an extrovert? 11) What three things does he or she think of the most each day? 12) What song would you say best sums him or her up?

Getting to know each other • Tricky questions

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