1) A series of lessons or lectures in an academic subject or a practical skill. a) graduate b) term c) course d) coursework e) master's f) undergraduate 2) A way of judging a student by looking at the work that they do during the year instead of or in addition to looking at their examination results. a) grade b) term c) tutorial d) resit e) continuous assessment f) mark 3) A school score. a) mark b) fail c) resit d) notes e) undergraduate f) master's 4) A student who is studying for a first degree at a college or university. a) tutorial b) master's c) coursework d) undergraduate e) tutor f) grade 5) A letter or number that shows the quality of a student's work. a) course b) fail c) tutorial d) continuous assessment e) term f) grade 6) A university degree that students get if they study for one or two years after they graduate. a) assignment b) master's c) grade d) tutorial e) graduate f) lecture 7) You become this when you complete your studies at a university or college, usually by getting a degree. a) fail b) term c) tutorial d) graduate e) resit f) continuous assessment 8) Qualification that you get after completing the course. a) tutorial b) assignment c) degree d) fail e) lecture f) continuous assessment 9) A talk to a group of people about particular subject, especially at a college or university. a) lecture b) tutorial c) revise d) resit e) term f) course 10) A schoolwork that a student must do as part of a course. a) assignment b) continuous assessment c) mark d) undergraduate e) Coursework f) resit 11) To take an examination again after failing it previously. a) grade b) revise c) resit d) tutorial e) term f) master's 12) Details from something such as a lecture or a book that you write down so that you can remember them. a) mark b) resit c) tutor d) notes e) master's f) graduate 13) One of the periods of time into which the year is divided for students. a) coursework b) term c) lecture d) graduate e) undergraduate f) tutorial 14) A lesson in which a student or small group of students discusses a subject with a tutor, especially at university or college. a) course b) term c) tutorial d) notes e) revise f) degree 15) To be unsuccessful in achieving a satisfactory level or standard. a) tutorial b) resit c) revise d) course e) tutor f) fail 16) A teacher in a college or university. a) tutor b) coursework c) term d) mark e) grade f) graduate 17) To read and learn information that you have studied in order to prepare for an examination. a) resit b) notes c) mark d) revise e) assignment f) term 18) Work that you must do as part of a course of study. a) degree b) tutorial c) tutor d) master's e) undergraduate f) assignment

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