True: The past of buy is bought, The past of read is read, The past of drink is drank, The past of write is wrote, The past of eat is ate, The past of get is got, The past of make is made, The past of drive is drove, The past of run is ran, The past of go is went, The past of sleep is slept, The past of come is came, The past of be is was/were, The past of have is had, The past of speak is spoke, False: The past of buy is buyed, The past of read is ridden, The past of drink is drunk, The past of write is wrotten, The past of eat is aten, The past of make is maken, The past of drive is driven, The past of get is gut, The past of run is run, The past of go is goed, The past of sleep is sleepen, The past of come is come, The past of be is wore, The past of have is haven, The past of speak is speaken,

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