1) Before my sister had children, she used to ... for eight hours every night. a) slept b) sleeping c) sleep 2) When we moved to Britain from Poland, we weren't used to ... on the left. a) drive b) driving 3) Chris got divorced last year but he soon got used to ... on his own. a) living b) live c) lived 4) I ... her, but we lost touch years ago. a) used to knew b) use to know c) used to know d) didn't used to know 5) My parents are slowly ... being retired a) used to b) being used to c) getting used to 6) My new job is exhausting. I ... working so hard. a) don't use to b) am not used to working c) am not used to work d) am used to work 7) Did you ... a musical instrument at school? a) used to play b) get used to play c) use to play 8) When Bill was a student, he ... eat pizza every day. a) used to b) was used to c) got used to

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