1) Our holiday was too short. Time passed very ... a) quick b) quickly 2) There was a .... change in the weather. a) sudden b) suddenly 3) Everything was quiet. There was .... silence. a) complete b) completely 4) The children were playing ... a) happy b) happily 5) Sam drives very ... a) slow b) slowly 6) I am ... sorry. a) terrible b) terribly 7) We didn't go out because it was raining ... a) heavy b) heavily 8) Students often feel ... before exams. a) nervous b) nervously 9) Peter fell off his bike and hurt himself ... a) bad b) badly 10) She speaks English ... a) perfect b) perfectly 11) George and Silvia are very ... married. a) happy b) happily 12) Don't go out in the street now. It is not ... a) safe b) safely 13) The students waited ... for the teacher to finish her explanation. a) patient b) patiently 14) The driver of the car had ... injuries. a) serious b) seriously 15) Please, speak ... a) quiet b) quietly 16) Accommodation was not a problem. We found a flat quite ... a) easy b) easily 17) My sister speaks ... French. a) perfect b) perfectly 18) Alicia's English is very ..., although she makes some mistakes. a) fluent b) fluently 19) I tried on the jacket and it fitted me ... a) perfect b) perfectly 20) He was unhappy because he did very ... in the exams. a) bad b) badly

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